Page 106 of The Forest Witch Lies



I’m so excited to explore these tunnels. The guys have been promising me for over a month that we’d do it. We hop into a taxi, leaving the limo there for Clara and Jade. Jax sits in the front with the driver and I plop next to Donnie in the back. He still has my shoes and I lay my ankles across his lap, groaning at the pressure he adds to my swollen ankles.

Heels may make my butt look good, but they kill my feet.

Donnie raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to walk on stone? Your feet look pretty sore.”

I tap him gently on the nose. “You sir, are not getting out of bringing me. My feet will be fine once I have some proper shoes on.”

“Did you just bop my nose?” he asks, aghast. I roll my eyes and smoothly rub my heel against his crotch. He starts to harden, giving me a look full of heat.

Looking out the window I see that we’re almost back to the Academy. The gates open and flashing lights greet us, with Alara waving us down.What is going on?By the looks of it, the guys don’t know what's going on either.

Alara rushes up to the window, telling us there’s a threat on campus—we need to return home and lock the doors. Jax quickly directs the taxi driver to our place. As soon as the car pulls up outside the cottage, I’m thrown over Donnie’s shoulder before he takes off at a sprint to the front door.

“Ugh, put me down dammit! I am capable of walking to the door, you big, muscular oaf!” I huff. I can feel every muscle move on his shoulder and it’s doing things to my lady bits. Why does he have to be so strong and protective?

We make it to the door and Jax rushes to swing it open for us. Donnie sets me on the kitchen counter and moves throughout the house.What is he looking for?I hop down and go to follow but Jax grabs me and pulls me into the bathroom.

“Stay here, Silver. We will come get you in a few minutes,” he says quietly.

Do they think the threat is inside?I sit on the closed toilet lid and wait.

After fifteen minutes, the guys still haven't returned and my texts are being ignored. I carefully crack open the door and move to my room.

A light catches my eye from the kitchen. I move toward it and see Donnie outside in the garden, so I open the door and step outside. The wind is blowing and I shiver. My birthday’s coming up and I’ve decided I’m splurging on a fuzzy winter coat. Louisiana winters were never harsh, nothing like here.

“Donnie? What are you doing out here? It's freezing.” I move closer and notice something is not right. He looks like Donnie, but older. Freaked out, I spin around to run back inside, but someone grabs me and throws a bag over my head. I try to scream but my vocal cords are frozen.What the hell?

A door slams and an engine starts. A sweet scent envelops me and my eyes start to get heavy. I feel calm, safe.This isn't right. I'm being kidnapped!But surely, a little nap wouldn't hurt.What is happening?

I’m tossed somewhere soft, surrounded by the scent of dirt. Hours pass, or maybe days. I am kept in a cloud of fog and delusions. I almost long for my nightmares.

A noise sounds beside me and I once again call out for help. “Please. Stop! Who are you?” I scream for what seems like the millionth time. This time, noise manages to escape.

No one ever responds. I sense their eyes upon me. Watching, always watching. I can feel the anger rising within me, my body temperature heating as if I am on fire.

“It’s time, Master. She’s ascending. It won’t be long now,” a woman says in an excited breath, somewhere near me.

Ascending? What the hell are they talking about? I just want to go home.

Someone grabs my arm and tosses me to my knees. My tattered dress is torn down the middle. Cool air blows across my exposed chest and I tremble. It's bad enough I have been kidnapped. Now they’re going to assault me?

A sharp pain starts in my toes and travels all the way up to my head.What is happening?A heavy cloak is placed around my shoulders, and a crown on my head.

“You are magnificent, Silver Forest. Just like I knew you would be.”

Wait! I know that voice.

“Mr. Blake? Please, why did you take me? My guys are going to be looking for me!”

Laughter erupts from him, making me shiver in fright.Fuck, he’s scary.

“Remove her blindfold, she already knows who I am. Smart little witch, aren’t you? As for your guys—who do you think led you to us in the first place?” He pauses and I gasp.

No, they wouldn’t do that to me!