“To think I thought I would marry you someday... Glad I saw the truth before you really trapped me,” Wells snarls.

I can’t believe I thought I loved him.

Jax comes around the corner, taking in what's going on. Donnie’s leaning against the wall, mouth open, gaping at the scene. I’m flushed and panting, with fury in my eyes, and Wells looks on the verge of tears with a red mark on his face.

Wells spins to leave the room, but not before ripping my heart out on the way. “You and me, Snow? We’re done,” he spits out, then turns to his friends. “Don’t fall for her guys, because this Forest witch lies.”

I watch as their eyes go wide, and I feel mine fill with tears. He grabs a bag from the floor where he was sitting, and walks toward the door.

“Wells, man, where are you going?” Arrow shouts at his back.

He doesn't spin around, just mutters, “Home, because with her here, this is no longer my home.”

The door slams and everyone is silent.

“What just happened?” I croak out, utterly confused... and devastated.


She did it. Arrow swore from the start that she would break me and she did. Finding her there in the woods, wrapped in his arms? At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. Lately I don’t know what's real or fake. I seem to be in a fog these past few days.

But it’s true, she's been sleeping with Professor Luke—a guy I once thought of as a friend. No, fuck that, he was amentor.

Just a few days ago, she told me she loves me.Me!True, I ruined that moment. Still not sure why I did, but that's not the point. I love her too, and now I feel lost.

I wander along the path to the Academy gates for a few minutes, lost in my head. I ordered a car to come take me to my grandpa's house—no way I’m going home to my dad.

I find a bench and take a seat. I should have never fallen for her kind heart, and those metallic eyes, shadowed with grief. I should have stayed on course and done my job.How am I going to be tied with her forever after this?

A sound pulls me from my thoughts, and I glance down. Lucifer is there with a pair of boxers in his mouth, dragging them along the ground.

“You little shit. She’s been looking for you.” I stand to leave but I can’t move.Why does this keep happening?I sit here frozen, watching in amazement as Lucifer jumps, and transitions into a man.

What the fuck?!

His face seems to be cloaked with an illusion spell, as is his voice.

“Ah, that feels better. I hate being in that godawful form.” Picking up the boxers, he shakes them off. Leaves and dirt go flying, making him cough. He then pulls them on and takes a seat next to me. “Now, it’s time we have a talk, Wellson Birch,” he says, leaning back and crossing his arms. My head unfreezes and I move it from side to side.

Her cat is not a cat! What the fuck is going on right now?

“I see you have left my little devil. That was your mistake right there,” he sighs, my car arrives, pulling up to the gate. He glances over his shoulder and gives me a terrifying smile.

“I see our car has arrived. Shall we?” He takes my arm and my feet move of their own accord, my bag floating in the air behind us.

All these weeks that cat has been in our home, in her bed. Fuck, I'd just spat a Harry Potter reference at Silver during our fight but this was some real Peter Pettigrew shit. I shake my head in denial. I may be a warlock but this shit is way out of my league. I need to break this spell and warn the others that Silver is in danger. I fight as hard as I can, mentally trying to break this hold over me, but it’s useless.

The man laughs before shoving me into the backseat. “It’s pointless for you to fight, Wellson. Take one last look at this place—this will be the last time you see it.”

Fuck. Snow. This is the last time I’ll see her… and we fought. I never got to tell her I love her too.

He closes the door, still laughing, and takes the passenger seat. He looks over at the driver. “Home, Jeeves.”

I glance one more time out the window.

I’m sorry, Snow!