I can’t help the giggles that escape as I head to class. I know I’m supposed to be finding a husband, but at this point I really don’t think I can choose... Any one of those men would be an amazing husband, father, and friend.

“Good morning, Ms. Forest.” Professor Luke says as I walk to my seat. I give him a small smile and sit. Things have been a bit odd between us since that day I literally bumped into him.

I ran into him at the coffee shop a week later and he saw me, turned around, and left immediately. So awkward… I mean, all he did was tell me I’m beautiful. That’s notthatinappropriate.

He moves to the front of the class and starts his lesson. I sit back, admiring the tight black shirt he’s wearing with his signature jeans. There’s no harm in looking.

“Today is going to be a catch up day. Everyone who has a journal, open it up and do some reading. Everyone else, take out your computers, and do some research on one of the topics I have written on the board.”

I take out Elena’s journal and get lost once more.

I’m thinking of leaving Alistar House. I know I have nothing to go home to, but I am miserable here. My mood seems to deepen every day, and Luc has been unbearable to be around. If I’m not doing my lessons, I’m here in this tiny room. Alone. Crying, mostly. Missing my family. Wishing I could join them. If things don’t get better, I’m going to do it—I’m going to pack my things and leave. My twenty-first birthday is in a few weeks. I am old enough to be on my own. Find a man who will love and treat me right...


I pop my head up and see everyone has left the room.Wow, how absorbed was I?

I give Jade a smile, and follow her out the door. When I enter the hall, I feel eyes on my back. I know they’re Luke’s, but I don’t turn around. This connection we have is intense... and confusing.

“So tell me,” she says, giving my shoulder a bump. I raise my brows at her and she smiles. “How are you and your three guys doing? You’re not too exhausted?” She throws me a wink.

I chuckle and run my hands through my hair, shaking my head. “Not yet, girl. I feel like there’s always such an overload of testosterone in the house though.”

She groans and rolls her eyes.“Oh my god, I can imagine. How about I pop over sometime soon and hang out? We never did get to have our girls’ night,” she mutters.

I look at her, confused, and her eyes go wide.


She cuts me off. “I totally forgot—I have a thing with a Hottie McTottie. I’ll catch you later, girl,” she says quickly, giving me a wave and disappearing around the corner.

Why is everyone acting so weird?

A few days pass and I find myself confused. The guys are missing most of the time now, and when I ask them about it, they get all nervous and make up excuses. The only time I really see them is in bed, or early in the morning. From what I’ve been told, they still don’t start classes for another month or so, not until after the holidays.So what are they doing?

I open the door, dropping my bag on the counter.

“Hey, anyone home?” I shout as I enter the kitchen. Crickets.Where is everyone?I move down the hall and open my door for Luc to roam free, since Wells isn’t here to make a big stink about it. For someone who hates cats, he doesn't mind sleeping in my bed with one.

“It’s about time!”that voice in my head shouts.

“I swear, sometimes I know what you're thinking, kitty.” I bend down to love on him for a minute. He purrs and rubs against my leg as I stand.

My stomach rumbles, reminding me it's dinner time. Jade was supposed to meet me to grab some food but she had to cancel at the last minute. That girl amuses me; I’m glad she's here, it’s been nice having a girlfriend to chat with since Luna is gone.

I move back toward the kitchen and open the freezer, pulling out the homemade lasagna I froze last week, and preheat the oven. Opening the fridge, I grab some salad fixings. If I had time, I’d make some garlic bread, but I think I’d rather take this time and do some snooping.

The guys have been acting super shady the past few days—I know they’re hiding something.

I start in the living room, checking the bookshelves, but find nothing. I move into Donnie’s room, and see it immaculately clean like usual. I’m just about to leave when Luc jumps onto a shelf, knocking something down.

“Bad kitty. We are trying to be sneaky here,” I grumble, shooing him out of the room.

“Ungrateful little wench.”

I stop and look back to where he ran off, shaking my head. I think I need to see a professional. This voice in my head is crude and snarky. Hopefully I’m not going crazy.

I bend down to pick up what fell and freeze, feeling all the blood drain from my face.