I mutter a concealment spell on the items before putting them into the saddlebag on the side of my bike, and climbing on. I pull out my phone and let Wells know I got his things. He sends back a winky emoji and a kissing emoji. Him and his damn emojis. Earlier, I got an eggplant with a tongue emoji. I don't think that was for me.I hope it wasn’t.

I pull back up to Target and park my bike. I look around, setting an alarm incantation just to be safe.

My phone rings as I enter the store, making me jump. Wellson’s changed my ringtone again—these pranks need to stop.

“Really? ‘Smack That’ by Akon, Wellson?” I snarl as I answer his call.

For a few seconds, all I can hear is his laughter. “Got you good, motherfucker. Where’s my girl? She’s not picking up, and she’s ignoring my messages,” he whines.

“Your girl? Do these messages include an eggplant and a tongue?” I tease, and he pauses.

“Um yeah, they do. How would you know about that?”

Now I start laughing hysterically. “You sent them to me, idiot! Silver and I are shopping, so you can talk when we get home.” I hang up on him. Still smiling, I spot Silver over by the shampoo section. She’s smelling them all and looking nervous.

“Hey, you're back!” she exclaims, giving me a huge smile. “Did you get everything you were needing? I only have a few more things to grab, then I’ll be all done.” She sets the shampoo back down warily.

I give her a nod, and point to the bottle. “Is there a problem with that one?”

She groans. “No. Well, I don’t know. I had a mishap with some shampoo this week, and now I’m cautious about what to buy.”

I bite my lip to hold in my laughter and she looks at me suspiciously.

“How do you have a mishap with shampoo? You massage it in your hair, then rinse it out.” I let a chuckle slip out, and she glares at me.

“The suds wouldn’t stop, okay?! They just kept foaming over and over. It was horrible. If it wasn’t for Wells, I may have gone blind,” she huffs, before grabbing some random combo of bottles and storming off.

Shit!I forgot about their juvenile prank. I follow her at a brisk pace, pushing the cart she left behind in her tantrum.

“Silver, wait. I’m sorry—I thought you were joking,” I tell her, lightly taking her elbow to get her to stop.

She looks at me and sighs. “I’m sorry Jax, it’s not you really. I had a bit of a rough day. Donovan’s ex is a total witch and her friend’s aren't much better.”

I freeze for a moment, realizing what she just said.Fuck, she knows already?!I mask my panic and ask, “Witch?”

She looks at me and shrugs. “Witch, bitch—same thing.”

I internally let out a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry she’s giving you shit. She’s always been possessive of Donovan.”

“Donovan? I haven’t done anything with him, only Well—” She cuts off, eyes going wide over what she just confessed.

“I know, Silver. Our walls are pretty thin, but it’s okay. Just know he’s not the only one who likes you,” I state, then keep moving toward the snacks she was headed to.

She chases after me. “What do you mean he’s not the only one? Who else likes me?”

Is she really so blind not to see how Don looks at her, or how I act around her? I pull her hand and tug her to my chest, then lightly kiss her stunned lips.

“Me, Silver,” I say, holding her cheek and running my hand through her silky hair. I move away, and she stands there staring at me, frozen in shock. My whole body is tingling from that kiss.Whoa, did she feel that too?

“But… But I slept with your best friend. I like your best friend,” she says, confused.

I look around at the people shopping; I really don’t want to do this standing in the middle of Target. “How about we finish here, then go grab a coffee? We can chat.”

Her shoulders relax, and she gives me a smile and a nod. “I’d like that, Jax. Thank you,” she says quietly, pushing some hair behind her ear. She steps around me, taking her cart back and moving on, with me trailing her like a lost puppy.

I don’t know what that was, but I want more.