When I walk in the door, I find a seat and pause.How could I forget I have Mr. Hottie's class?I groan internally and will myself to pay attention.

He walks to the center of the room, glancing at his students, but when his golden eyes find mine they light up and he grins.

Oh Mr. Lucian, you are going to be trouble.I bite my pen and give him a smile back.

He shakes his head and chuckles, before addressing the class. “Welcome to History 101. I am your professor. Professor Lucian Diavolo, but you may call me Luke—everyone does. Actually, I prefer it,” he says, chuckling with a few students. “Now this isn’t your typical history class, but I will try to keep it interesting, and maybe a little fun.” As he speaks, his gaze finds mine once more.

I look down and bite my lip, hiding the smile.

He clears his throat, then continues. “Right, where was I? Oh yes, we focus on your bloodline, your family history, ancestry. Some of you had ancestors attend here and leave journals, which will help immensely. Others of you, well, you may need to contact family members for certain projects.” He walks over to his desk and grabs what looks like an attendance sheet. “Since today is the first day, let’s do something fun. I’ll call a name out—please stand, and say three things about yourself: name, favorite food, and a hobby you enjoy. Let’s start with you, Mr. Baker.”

We go around the room, getting to know each other. I’m the last one to speak and when it’s my turn, I freeze. I really hate public speaking. Slowly rising from my seat, I take a deep breath.

“Hi, my name is Silver Forest. I love way too many foods to pick just one... Maybe gumbo? Hobbies, let’s see.” I pause and think for a moment.Oh duh, Silver. “Baking. I love to bake.” I sit back down, and Luke claps his hands.

“Excellent, everyone. Class is just about over, so in the meantime, if you do have journals, do some reading. It will help in the long run.”

I stand and grab my things, heading for the door, but he calls out to me. “Silver, a moment please.”

I stop, turning around to walk over to his desk. He waits until the last person leaves, then stands and shuts his door. Coming over to me, he lightly touches my arm. A totally innocent gesture but those tingles start again, making me gasp. He pulls away and takes a seat once more, shaking his head.

Clearing his throat, he asks, “I just wanted to check in. See how you were going with Elena's first journal?” He won’t look me in the eye for some reason.

I sigh and move to the desk in front of his, taking a seat. “Honestly, I haven't gotten very far yet, but I’ll crack it open again tonight. It’s fascinating but also a bit hard for me to stomach at the moment.” I pause and he looks at me with pity.

“Ah yes, I didn’t think about that. Well, just try and get as far as you can. I have access to the others so just let me know when you need number two.” He stands and walks toward the door, opening it.I guess our talk is over already then.

“I will. Thanks, Luke,” I say on my way out of the room.

When I walk out into the hall, Winnie is standing there with a few of the girls I’ve seen hanging around her. “Wow, day one and you're already blowing the teacher? I guess you really are a slut,” she huffs, before walking past me, purposely knocking my shoulder on the way. Her posse of girls follow, giggling.

I roll my eyes. Wow—high school bullshit in college?Great.

The rest of my classes fly by and soon it’s time for lunch. Jade had messaged saying she wouldn’t be able to meet today, so I run through the sandwich line and find a quiet place outside to rest, and maybe read some more of Elena’s thoughts. I plop down on the grass and take a bite before opening the journal, getting lost in her words.

Something is happening to me. I don’t know if it’s the stress, or the grief, but I can feel my body changing. Maybe it’s just called becoming a woman. Mother and I never had that chat before she passed away. Father always told me we would discuss it when I was older, but now he is gone as well. I guess I’ll figure it out on my own.

My biggest change is my temper. I seem to get angry at a drop of a hat these days.

I have made a few friends here. Well, I think they are friends. They seem nice enough, but they tend to laugh when they think I’m not around.

Luc is also acting strange, andbecoming more possessive. I had to collect some flowers for an assignment and a classmate Peter offered to help me. Luc became outraged. Stormed up to us, took my hand, and dragged me away.

I love Luc. I always will, but I’ll admit he scared me.

“Hey, it’s Silver, right?” a boy says, startling me from my reading.

I glance up and smile. He’s cute in a nerdy way. I give him a nod.

He looks around nervously, then takes a seat beside me. “This is going to sound strange, but I heard some girls talking when I was in the locker room. They were out in the hall giggling and talking about you. They’re planning on breaking into your room and doing something. I didn't get all the details, just that one of them still had a key?” He wrings his hands together, looking at the ground.

I groan. “Such high school bullshit. Like, we’re adults, right? Thank you for telling me. I’ll take care of it.” I start to pack my things, and stand. I offer him a hand up, and he takes it with a smile.

“Anytime. I was bullied in school so I know what it’s like. I’m Nathan, by the way. I’ll see ya around, Silver,” he says hurriedly, then rushes off. Nice guy.

I throw my trash away and pull out my phone, finding Donovan's number and shooting him a message. This is his fault after all.

Silver: Winnie is planning something. She has a key to get inside. Please handle it!