"Thanks for walking me to choir, Jax." I lean up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. As I move back and turn, he grabs my elbow, spinning me back. I look up into his emerald eyes, questioning. He shakes his head and lets go of me.

"Anytime, Silver. What are roommates for?" He gives me a wink, then heads back the way we came.

Sighing, I turn and knock on the door. Why did it have to be choir? The door opens and I can't help my eye roll.Just great. Why is she here?

"What areyoudoing here?" Winnie snarks and tries to close the door in my face.

A very brightly dressed woman in her late twenties comes up behind her, clapping with glee. She is wearing a flowy skirt, and a matching scarf over her perfectly curled lavender hair. She’s totally giving me fortune teller vibes. I can tell we’re going to be friends.

"You must be Silver. I am so happy to have you join the Ascensions." She reaches out and pulls me into an embrace, catching me off guard. She smells like patchouli, and something sweet. I instantly like her, even if she does need to learn about personal space. She lets me go and grasps my hands in hers. “You smell like blueberries, and a very delicious man. Lucky you! I’m Clara, your music professor, and I am so excited to have someone with your skillset joining us. The compositions your mother emailed to me were just”—she does a dramatic chef’s kiss—”perfection!”

I freeze.My mother did this...?

“Silver. Silver. Ms. Forest!” someone calls while shaking me.

I snap out of it, and look back at a panicked Clara.

“Are you okay hon? You look like you might pass out. Let’s sit you down—class is about to start anyways.” Still grasping my hand, she pulls me into a large, bright conservatory full of windows. I can’t help but gasp. It's beautiful. Looking out the windows, you can see huge open spaces full of greenery and flowers.

“Wow,” I whisper.

“I know, right? I am so blessed to be able to teach here. But Mas.. I mean, Alara gave me permission as long as I did some cleaning and remodeling. Now, come and meet the other girls.” I glance to the side and see two rows of tiered seats housing Winnie along with her friends I guess, judging by the evil glares I’m currently receiving.

I take a seat in the front to avoid them, but I can feel the laser beams on my back.

I finish off the last note of the hymn Clara is having us sing. I’ve never heard it before, but it's beautiful in a haunting way.

“Wow ladies, that was hypnotizing. Just marvelous,” Clara praises, before dismissing us. Someone taps me on the shoulder, and I spin to see who it is.

A pixie of a girl is there, with mermaid hair that makes me jealous. “You have an amazing voice,” she gushes.

“Oh, thank you. I haven’t sung much in the past year so I’m still a bit rusty. To be honest, I was dreading coming today, but I’m glad I did. This place is magical.”

She snorts, and mutters under her breath, “You have no idea.”

“Sorry, what?” I ask but she steels her spine.

“I’m Jade. You’re Silver, right? Killer name by the way, and your eyes are just amazing.”

Wow, she’s full of energy.

“Yes. Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” I give her a small wave but she surprises me by grabbing me into a tight hug. For someone so tiny, she has a serious grip. She lets me go and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the door. I see Clara from the corner of my eye suppressing a laugh, and shaking her head. I look back over my shoulder and give her a wave.

Once out in the hall, I find my footing and stop Jade from dragging me. “So what’s the rush?” I can’t help but chuckle at her confused look.

“Um, girl, it’s lunchtime,” she says in a serious manner.

“Well, in that case, lead the way!”

She starts moving again and I keep up with her, chatting along the way. When we arrive at our destination, I can't help but gasp.

“This is the cafeteria?” It looks more like a resort, or a mall food court. So many options.

She shrugs and drags me to a pizza stand. The aroma is making my mouth water, but I’m not in the mood for something so greasy right now. I glance around and see a soup and salad bar.