Page 102 of The Forest Witch Lies



Please, Snow. I hope you’re getting these images... I need you to tell the guys. I am fucked.

I feel the exhaustion and lack of food seep in once more, making it hard to keep my eyes open.

“Not much longer, Master. Soon we will have the Star Coven here, just like you're wanting,” some sniveling little follower says, before bending down and kissing whoever is on the throne's toes.Star Coven? He’s talking about us?

The man on the throne snarls. “Yes. I have waited a century for this time, as soon as she ascends I will make her my bride, and restore what should have happened before. The arrogance of the Forest line, thinking they can outsmart the devil,” he chuckles.

Holy fuck. This is the devil?

I have never met him; if I'm being honest, I never wanted to. The stories our parents would tell us to make us behave put the fear of him in my bones.

“I will get my heir, and he will be the most powerful warlock anyone has ever seen.” He cackles maniacally, making chills run up my spine in fright. I have yet to see his face, but I can tell he’s pure evil.

“But what about the girl, Master?”

“As soon as she gives me my son, I won't have a purpose for her anymore. I can finally eradicate the last of the Forest bloodline.”

The whole room erupts in cheers and laughter.I have to get out of here.

He stands and removes his hood for the first time, revealing who he really is. My eyes widen from the shock. It can’t be. I know exactly who this devil is, and we are well and truly fucked.

“Hello, Wellson. It’s been a while.”


Two weeks. It’s been two weeks now since we last talked to Wells and I’m starting to panic. We have all our best men out looking for him, and still nothing.

Tonight’s the masquerade ball and Silver is so excited. I was hoping Wellson would be back by now to fix things between them. She’s been happy being only mine, but I can still see the sadness in her eyes when his name is mentioned.

Arrow walks in while I’m adjusting my tie, and closes the door with a soft click. “Three more days, man. Three days until her ascension. How are we supposed to go through with it without Wells?” he whispers, trying to keep his voice low. Silver is in the next room with Clara and Jade getting ready. I shake my head and do a concealment incantation.

“She can't. He needs to be in attendance for her ritual to work. Luke has been hanging around more lately. I’m curious if he’s meant to be in our coven as well?”

He growls, stopping me from completing my tie. I raise my brow at him and he sighs, running his hand down his face.

“Luke isn’t a problem. It’s just that Wells is our brother. We could never replace him.”

I get that. I take a seat on the edge of my bed and he plops down next to me. “We’ll find Wells and bring him home. They’ll end this little fight between them and everything will be nauseatingly sweet once more.” I roll my eyes and he huffs.

“God, he was so sappy with her. Like a lost little puppy begging for scraps.”

I laugh. “He loved her; I can see how it happened. I just don’t understand why he flipped out on her the day he left. So unlike him.” I stand and move to the mirror once more.I hate fucking ties.

Arrow grumbles and stands to help me. “Twenty-three years old and you still can’t tie a damn tie. You’re hopeless, man.”

I roll my eyes and give him a shove, before pulling him into my arms for a hug. “I love you, brother.”

He sniffles and pulls away from me, hiding the emotion. We were raised to never show weaknesses, but the guys and I never felt the need to hide between us.

I grab him and turn him to face me. “I wish you’d tell me what’s been bothering you.”

He won't look me in the eye. “It’s nothing, man. I’m just trying to figure some things out. Our biggest thing right now is getting Wells home for the ascension. Fuck, what are we going to do? I jumped into her nightmare last night—it’s just like she said it was, down to the last detail. That man on the throne is truly terrifying. I hope that's not his real face and just an illusion.” He shudders, then starts to pace.

“As soon as tonight is over, we need to try a locator spell. It hasn't worked yet, but Silver’s powers are starting to manifest more every day, so maybe ifshedoes it, we can finally find him and bring him back home. Where he belongs,” I offer, trying to bring him out of this funk. He’s been falling farther and farther into a pit of denial and despair.