Since the place was on the small side, he chose a table for two near the back, not so close that they could hear noise from the kitchen or bathroom. “How’s this?”
Danica took her seat, smiling. “Perfect.”
A server in black proffered menus as Titus spread his napkin across his lap.Need to make a good impression and take my mind off how much I wish I’d gone upstairs with her back at her house.Sternly he told himself to settle down.You’ve waited this long. You can wait a little longer to take things to the next level.With Danica, it already mattered more than it ever had—that he do this properly and not screw it up.
“Anything look good?”
“Everything,” she said with a teasing light in her eyes as she looked him up and down. “But what do you recommend?”
Somehow, he swallowed the sexy rejoinder that sprang to mind. “The roti is great. I usually get a veggie dish, some curry, oh, let’s try the tea leaf salad?”
“Since this is my first time, I’ll put myself in your hands.” Danica closed her menu and gazed across the table like she was considering Titus as her main course.
Yes, please.
He ordered the samosa platter, tea leaf salad, spicy lotus roots, fried rice, and chicken coconut curry. “You don’t mind sharing, I hope?”
“With you? Not at all.”
“Do you like iced milk tea?” he asked, pretending his heart wasn’t racing like he’d just completed a sprint.
“I do.”
Turning to the server, he added, “Two milk teas, please. I’m driving, but you could have a cocktail if you prefer.”
Danica shook her head. “If you’re not drinking, I’d rather not. In some countries, they have a designated driver service. You ring in and someone comes to take you home.”
“I suspect they must have better public transportation,” he said thoughtfully. “It would work in larger cities, but out here…”
“Not so much.” St. Claire had no public transportation, unless one counted the Greyhound stop at the gas station twenty minutes away. “That’s what ride-sharing apps are for, though you pay for two rides instead of one. Sometimes I do that when I go out drinking with Clem and other friends.”
Titus imagined a tipsy Danica, all giddy and getting in a random stranger’s car; he didn’t care for that scenario. It could be dangerous even if she went home with her cousin… “You can call me,” he said quickly. “If you ever need a ride, that is. It doesn’t matter what time. I’ll come get you.”
“Wow, seriously? You’ll be my on-call chauffeur?”
I’ll be anything you wish.
With effort, he managed to bite back the words. Luckily, the samosas arrived, and they were delicious, as always. The food came in well-timed waves, so the next hour was full of incredible flavors and casual conversation. Titus watched Danica respond to each bite, enjoying her blissful smiles and half-closed eyes. Before, he’d never realized how sensual it was to watch someone enjoy their food, but by the time they’d finished, he was slightly aroused, dazed with resisting the pull between them.
“How was it?” he asked.
“Exquisite. I’ll be back. I’m bringing Clem…andthe rest of my book club. I don’t know if Margie has ever had a curry. I’m positive Ethel hasn’t.”
“That’s fantastic. Word of mouth is critical for a restaurant.”
Pleased by her response, he paid for their meal while she went to the bathroom. When Danica returned, her lipstick was freshly applied, such a gorgeous shade of red that he curled his hand into a fist against his knee to resist the urge to pull her to him and smear it thoroughly. She touched him on the shoulder, just a light pressure to call his attention, and a pleasurable shock went through him, almost electric in its intensity. It traveled throughout his body in a sensuous wave, and his cock stirred.
No, don’t do that. This is not the time.
“Oh! Did you feel that?” Oddly, Danica seemed uncharacteristically anxious, her eyes wide and worried.
Titus wished he could kiss the concern away.I will never make it through this night.
“Probably a strong static charge. Ready for part two?”
“We’re bowling next, right? I should warn you that I’m the gutterball champion. Or at least, I was in junior high.”
“I can teach you,” he offered.