Or maybe he had when Titus was small. He just couldn’t remember. The past his parents had shared was gone, known only to his old man. And maybe that was why he’d moved on so fast. Because otherwise, he’d drown, trapped in the amber of those old memories, inherited by him alone.
“It’s for you,” Lucy called.
Titus blinked as she stepped into sight. “Are you sure? I don’t know anyone here.”
“Positive. This woman’s really apologetic but insistent. I invited her in, but she said she’d rather talk outside.” Lucy gestured toward the foyer. “She’s out front.”
There must be some mistake.
He was fucking exhausted, head teeming with questions, and as he stepped out into the night air, the warmth surprised him after the chilly air-conditioning. Therewasa woman waiting for him, and his heart trembled in his chest as she turned, when he recognized her.
She’s beautiful in the moonlight. No, none of that. Remember how things ended.
“Danica,” he said flatly. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Chapter 25
Yeah, he’s not happy to see me.
And why would he be?
Danica took a breath, mustering her resolve, and then she started talking. “Don’t sell the bakery. Don’t move to Arizona. I don’t know how far you’ve come in the planning, but St. Claire needs you.Ineed you. It’s all my fault, and I’m so sorry. I didn’t even like that asshole. I met him to appease my grandmother, but I don’t care about that either anymore. I don’t want to live my life to please her, and more importantly, I want to live it with you. I want to see where this goes if you’ll give me another chance. You’re the one. I knew it ridiculously early on, but you were supposed to be a rebound, and everyone knows rebounds don’t work out, and—oh my God, please say something.”
Titus blinked at her in the glow from the streetlights. The night sounds were different here, birdsong she couldn’t identify, but the call felt lonely. He unfolded his arms—that was something, right? It was a lessening of defensiveness.
“What are you even talking about? Why would I sell the bakery?”
“Mrs. Carminian said you’re closing up shop and that Mr. Stevewell saw you and Maya leaving town. The way she talked, it was like you weren’t coming back.”
To her shock, Titus started laughing. “That old woman thrives on drama. She put two and two together and got forty-seven. We’re only here for a couple of days, Danica. I would’ve been back Monday night. My stepsister will be staying with us because living with pregnant newlyweds is stressful for everyone and she needs a change of scene.”
She covered her hands with her face. “Oh my God.”
“How did you even find me?”
Crap. That’s another question I can’t answer easily.
“Public records. I dug up your dad’s name and found him as the property owner here. You’d mentioned that he’d moved to Arizona.” Hopefully, that was all possible because otherwise, she had no explanation for how Ethel had acquired the address. It wasn’t like she could say it was magic.
“You did deep data mining and then flew four hours to beg me to forgive you? To plead with me not to leave town for good.” His smile widened.
Yeah, he’s enjoying this.
“Possibly I didn’t think it through. It’s…a little over the top.”
“Alittle?” But from his expression, he’d shifted from angry to amused. His body language was softer.
“Okay, a lot. But you don’t understand how serious Mrs. Carminian made it sound. I might have panicked. She was talking about Walter Reynolds and real estate listings and—”
Titus took a step toward her, grasping her upper arms. “I’m not interested in any of that. Explain this shit with your grandmother and how I can trust you not to let her get in your head again. I can forgive one mistake, but I won’t let you break my heart.”
“Are you saying I have that power?” she whispered.
“You damn near ruined me, woman. I was already planning my lonely life as a bachelor uncle. I almost joined the Rotary Club! I was two steps from checking out the solitary drinkers at the VFW.”
She probably shouldn’t laugh, but she couldn’t help it. “I’m so sorry. If I’d known, I would have come sooner.”
“Would you?”