I save the work on the project and shut my laptop before I shove myself off the bed. My bare feet pad down the hallway and into the kitchen. Riff leans against the island with a package of Oreos in front of him. He pours milk into a red plastic cup on the counter and then recaps the jug.

He glances up and gives me a sad smile. “Hey. You want some?”

I shrug after I look around and find no sign of Noel. “Sure.”

Riff turns and grabs another cup from the cabinet. “I’m surprised to see you. I figured you’d be in New York with Aubrey by now.”

Obviously, Riff doesn’t know about the contract. I should tell him. Let him know about yet another underhanded thing Noel Falcon has done to a woman, but I decide against it. This band is struggling without any help from me. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out after what I saw yesterday.

“Trust me. I wish I was.”

He pushes the package over to me as he pours me a cup of milk. “Want to talk about it?”

I shake my head. Riff is already fully aware of my plight. No need to rehash it. “Thanks for the milk…and the cookies.”

“No problem.” Riff smiles as he tilts his head, almost like he’s studying me. “You know, I meant what I said the other day. We should be friends. You can talk to me. Noel will never find out.”

I dunk my cookie in the milk and avoid his stare. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

The last thing I need is another close relationship with a member of Black Falcon. His offer seems innocent enough, but I can’t shake the feeling that winning me over to his side is a competitive thing with Noel.

What’s with these two going after each other’s girls?

Uncomfortable with where this conversation may go, I grab a couple more cookies to take to the bedroom. “Thanks for these and the…talk.”

Riff touches my shoulder. “No problem, Lanie. Anytime.”

Once I close myself inside the room, I plop back down on the bed and get back to work. It’s the easiest way to distract myself from thinking about Noel.

After a couple hours of good solid work, I glance at the clock. It’s after midnight, and the bus is still quiet. I heard Riff leave shortly after our run-in, and found comfort in being completely alone on this bus.

My vision blurs as I fight to keep my eyes open. I didn’t sleep for shit last night and suddenly the bed is very appealing. The lights flick off with the flip of a switch and I snuggle down into the blankets.

I’m nearly asleep when the door flies open, and a drunken Noel staggers into the room. He makes his way over to his side of the bed and laughs when he bumps his knee in the process.


Before I can even ask what he’s doing, he makes it painfully clear when he wrestles his black shirt over his head. Light streams in from the hallway, allowing a beautiful display of his chest in front of me. I stop myself at that thought. I shouldn’t be thinking of him that way. He doesn’t belong to me. He’s Sophie’s. Noel told me that himself.

“What are you doing?” I whisper harshly. “Put your shirt back on.”

Noel laughs as he unbuttons his jeans. I turn my head away as his cock springs free. “Damn it,” he mutters, at the same time I think he should really invest in some underwear. “Look what you did, Lane.”

What I did? “Excuse me? I haven’t done a thing to you.”

He chuckles as he nearly falls over while taking off his boots and jeans. “Yeah, well, that’s the problem. I have this raging hard-on whenever you’re around and now you refuse to play with me anymore.”

I cover my eyes to avoid nude Noel standing beside the bed. “Well, get used to it. That’s never happening again.” I risk a glance at his perfectly hard body and then immediately cover my eyes again. “Ugh. Would you please put your clothes back on and get the hell out of here?”

He ignores me and crawls under the covers. “Where am I supposed to go, huh? Tell me that.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “Not my problem. Now, get out.”

He snuggles further down into the pillow. “No can do. Get used to it, babe. You and I are roomies for the next couple days.”

Noel reaches around my waist and pulls me into his body. Hard liquor lingers on his skin and a distinct smell of women’s perfume. I pry his fingers off my hip, and he sighs deeply and closes his eyes before he rolls over.

I stare at the large cross tattoo etched into his back. Where does he get off thinking he can come in here and crawl into bed with me after what he’s done?

A soft snore accompanies his chest rising and falling slowly. He’s passed out—so much for forcing him to leave.

I grunt, frustrated and flip over to my other side. This is going to be a very long two days.


The annoying ring tone for my mother sings through the air. I peel my eyes open and instantly freeze when I discover a very naked Noel Falcon wrapped around me. His tattooed forearm rests across the bare skin on my stomach. I attempt to lift it off me, but Noel bats my fingers away and reattaches himself to me.

“Stop, Lane. I’m trying to sleep,” he grumbles with his eyes shut.

I ignore him and shove his hand off, not caring this time if it woke him or pissed him off. When I fling my legs over the side of the bed, two large hands wrap around me and slide me back into bed. Noel rolls on top of me, effectively pinning me to the bed.

The phone stops ringing, and I push on his chest, which he seems unfazed by. He traces my cheek with the pads of his fingers and my toes curl with such an intimate touch. Blue eyes gaze straight into mine before flitting down to my lips.