“Noel doesn’t keep things from me. He doesn’t like secrets between us.”

“Well maybe you should—”

“Dude!” Trip cuts Riff off. “Now is not the time, man.”

“You don’t think she should know? I guarantee he hasn’t told her. Look at her face.” Riff points to me. “She has no fucking clue what I’m talking about. I’m just trying to look out for her. She’s a nice girl and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

Trip rubs his forehead. “I know. I know. But, it’s not our place to tell her.”

I wave my hand. “Guys, I’m right here. Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Riff sets his eyes on me. There’s a strange look on his face. It almost looks like pity. “Lanie…Noel has a girlfriend.”

I furrow my brow. “What? No way! You guys are messing with me.”

Tyke frowns at me, and Riff shakes his head.

“I—I don’t believe you. He wouldn’t…No.”

Riff bites his lip, toying with the hoop through the bottom one. “It’s true, Lanie. I’m sorry.”

I clutch my chest. There’s no air. I can’t breath. I gasp, but it doesn’t relieve the crushing weight in my lungs. A girlfriend? What the fuck? Did I hear that right? Honesty? Truthfulness? All lies. Everything out of Noel’s mouth has been a lie. Having me here is all about sex. How can I be so naive to believe it’s any thing other than that? He didn’t give up until he got exactly what he wanted from me. My stomach rolls and my fingertips sting from clutching the couch cushion.

Things blink in black and white as my vision blurs. I feel lightheaded and a chill runs down my spine. I hear mumbles of voices from the guys, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. All I know is I’m losing it.

Tyke’s on his knees in front of me, both hands on my shoulders. “Breathe, Lanie. You’re white as snow.”

I gulp down air into my lungs and focus on my breathing—in and out.

I’m going to kill that son-of-a-bitch.

How can he keep this from me? Why would he do this to me? I know I broke his heart once, but we were in high school. He knows I’m sorry for that. It was a stupid mistake. Do I really warrant such severe hurt?

Noel really is the womanizer the tabloids portray. The night we reconnected, I found him in a room with two half naked blondes. The thought of Noel breaking this poor girl’s heart by sleeping with everything he sees makes me sick. There’s no telling how many others there have been before me. “How long?”

“How long what, Lanie?” Tyke asks.

“The girl. Has he been with her long?” Tyke looks to Trip then Riff for an answer, which I find odd. It’s almost like he needs permission to answer.

Riff rolls his lips into a line and I catch a glimpse of what almost looks like pain in his eyes. “Not long—only a few months.”

“This whole time—why would he do this?”

“Because Noel Falcon is a selfish prick,” Riff says. “He doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself.”

I scrub my fingers down my face. My entire world crumbles before my eyes. “Oh, God. I can’t believe this.”

Riff’s hand touches my shoulder gingerly. “I’m sorry, Lanie. He’s a shit.”

Tears sting my eyes and I pinch them shut. What am I going to do? My heart crushes in my chest as the weight of the situation bears down on me. Everything in my life centers on Noel and his band right now. Diana Swagger made it quite clear that I won’t keep this job if Noel and I split.

Is this his plan? Crush me like I crushed him?

A wave of uncertainty ripples through me. How could I let this happen? How can I be so stupid?

The tears build up in my eyes and I don’t want these guys to see me cry. I already look like a sad, pathetic, stupid fool to them. I don’t want to add crybaby to the list.

My legs wobble as I push myself up from the chair. The urge to run as far away as I can hits hard.

“Lanie? Are you alright?” Tyke asks.

“I’m fine,” I lie as I start towards the bedroom door.

It hurts to know I’ve been betrayed, but it feels worse to feel so naïve. I didn’t see this coming. I trusted him.

I slam the bedroom door shut a little harder than I mean to after I pass through it. Tears fall uncontrollably once I’m alone and I allow a sob to escape me. This bedroom, once a place of happiness between Noel and I, now feels like a torture chamber.

Did he sleep with her on this bed—on these sheets? How many other women for that matter?

The thought disgusts me. Before I can stop myself I hurl myself at the bed, ripping and tearing at the sheets, while I cry. It takes less than thirty seconds for me to strip the mattress naked. The sheets lay in a massive heap in the corner of the small room.

I plop down hard on the bed and bury my face in my hands. What am I going to do? If I leave Noel’s won and I can’t let that happen. I need this job, and whether I like it or not he’s the key to keeping it.

The need to hate him tears at me, and I want to hurt him. Hurt him like he’s hurt me.

I stare at the sheets for long minute, then decide the best way to get to him is if I stay. Stay here and let him see how much I hate him. Stay here for the rest of the two weeks and show him he can’t sabotage this job for me.

I debate on getting a match and setting the pile in the corner on fire. Instead, I grab the sheets from the floor and remake the bed. This is probably a stupid idea, but it’s all I got. Noel will probably tell me to get the fuck out once he comes back and finds out the game is over—that he’s been caught, but I don’t care. I’ll ignore him. The silent treatment is usually reserved for elementary school children, but I think this case calls for it.