That thought makes me a little sad. It also means I only have a week left with Noel.


The next morning I awake in Noel’s bed. His arm holds me tight against his side. Warm breath wafts rhythmically against my neck. The smell of his skin so close intoxicates me, and I find myself craving to be closer to him. I trace my fingertips along the tattoos on his forearm—each one fading into the next. Both of his arms are living pieces of artwork. Beautiful.

Noel nudges my neck with his nose. “Mmmmm. I want to wake up like this every morning.”

I smile, and my insides turn into mush. “Me too. I love being here with you.”

He kisses my neck and rubs the bare skin on my arm. “Good because I plan on keeping you here forever.”

I roll to face him. “Forever?”

His blue eyes peer up at me through impossibly long and sexy eyelashes. “Afraid so. I’m addicted to you. There’s no way I can be without this now.”

I giggle and kiss his lips. He is simply the most amazing man on the plant. How did I ever get so lucky? “What do you think will keep me here?”

The softness of his lips against my jaw makes my toes curl. I wiggle closer against him. Noel’s hot skin against mine is maddening. I hitch my leg over his hip, and he runs his hand up my calf then hooks around my knee. His hard length presses against me through my underwear and I gasp.

Noel smiles and grinds himself into me. “This.”

A moan escapes from my lips, and Noel’s mouth claims mine. I claw at his back as he rolls on top of me. His hand shoves up the t-shirt that I put on last night—my naked breasts on display for him. Noel’s eyes roam over my chest before he dips down and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. Oh, God his tongue can do wondrous things.

Noel chuckles against my skin. “Quiet, baby. The guys are still asleep out there.”

I slap my hand over my mouth. Am I being loud again? How embarrassing.

Noel kisses a trail down my stomach, and I sigh. His fingers grip my underwear on each side of my hips and he pulls them off of me. I laugh when he tosses them over his shoulder and smirks. The expressions on his face sometimes are down right sexy.

I grin and close my eyes, full of anticipation of what comes next.


The suite is amazing. I’ve never been in a hotel this nice. Ever. The bell boy leaves our luggage in the bedroom, and Noel gives the kid a tip. His eyes light up, and he thanks Noel profusely before leaving our room. My Noel, always a nice guy.

Noel wraps his arms around my waist and I thread my fingers into his hair. “That’s nice of you.”

He smiles and shrugs. “I know what it’s like working for every dollar you get. If a hundred dollar bill makes the kid’s day, it's the least I can do.”

I kiss his lips. “You are unbelievably sweet, you know that?”

“Speaking of sweet.” Noel sighs. “The Kid’s Wish Foundation contacted me yesterday and asked me to visit a little boy with Leukemia. They told me I’m his idol and his wish is to meet me.”

“That’s amazing, Noel. When do you get to meet him?”

“Tomorrow. The organization booked a flight for me right after tonight’s show to Tucson.”

My heart sinks a little at the thought of not being with him for a day.

He tilts my chin up and gazes down at me. “It’s only for one night. I’ll be back before you know it. Besides, your boss is flying in tomorrow. You have to stick around and find out what exactly you marketing types need to do with Black Falcon’s charity to get it off the ground.”

“You owe me close to a thousand hours for all these kisses, you know.”

He laughs. “Hours well spent if you ask me. You have full control of the charity, Lane. I know you’ll do what you think is best and it will be amazing.”

I lay my head into his chest. His kindness knows no limits. “You are the most amazing person I know.”

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. “Right back at ya.”

We stay locked in each others arms for a few moments. The steady thud of his heart beats keep time in my ear. My fingers move down and trace the taut muscles in his shoulders. I don’t think a more perfect man exists. Noel can have any woman in the world, and yet he chooses me. I wonder if that officially makes me the luckiest girl on the planet.

He twirls a lock of my hair around his finger. “What do you want to do today?”

I pull back and lick my lips. Noel smiles as I run an index finger down his chest. “Oh, I don’t know. What did you have in mind?”

His gaze smolders as he runs his tongue over his top lip. “I have lots of things in mind that I would like to do to you, but I’m afraid you just might break me if we keep up this pace. You’re insatiable.”

A shudder ripples through me. Oh how I would like to have him try all those things on me, but he’s right. If we keep this up we’ll never see the light of day again. We’ve had sex three amazing times. Noel is the insatiable one, or well, just as bad as me. My last boyfriend never had the stamina for more than once a day.

I grin and look up at him. “You’re right. We should get something to eat. I can’t live on Oreos alone.”

Noel’s eyes widen. “Shit. Now I have to buy Riff more. He gets all bitchy if someone eats his food.”

“I don’t think he minded. He gave them to me.”

Noel’s brow furrowed. “He was up with you last night?”