Noel glances up to the ceiling and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “I’m fucking out of here.”

I grab his arm, but he flings me off and leaves without so much as another glance back. The bus door slams shut, and I jump a little inside my skin. Tyke pats his brother’s shoulder and jerks a thumb towards the exit. The brothers stalk off after their friend.

I swallow hard when I realize everyone’s left me alone with Mike and Sophie on the bus.

Sophie fidgets, clearly uncomfortable, drawing my attention to her. “What was the point in pinning your unborn baby on Noel when you and Mike are clearly together?”

She shrugs. “I didn’t really have a choice at the time. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I panicked. Riff can’t have children, and I knew that. Once he found out about Mike, he would have had Noel fire him. I love Mike, and I didn’t want him to lose his job over being with me. That’s why I did it. I knew if I blamed Noel, he wouldn’t remember because he parties so damn much and sleeps with anything the moves—no offense—and Mike would be in the clear.”

I twist my lips and stare at Mike. “I can’t believe you went along with this. You’re like his brother.”

His shoulders slump, and he nods. “I know. That’s what makes this so hard. It’s been awful to watch him struggle. When I you guys fought in the SUV last night, I saw first hand what this lie was doing to you both, and I felt guilty. All Noel ever talks about is being with you. How much he loves you. He says over and over that if it wasn’t for the Sophie thing, the two of you could have it all. I had to make shit right, even if I lose my job. I love her, and I want to take care of my baby.”

Tears burn my eyes. This entire time we could’ve been together. We’ve fought over someone else’s lie. The weight of the damage done pushes down on me, and a sob escapes my lips. I bury my face in my hands. How can two people be so selfish? It’s not okay to play with people’s heads like that.

“Lanie…” Mike says, but I can’t look at him.

I want to scream and yell at them. Tell them how evil they are. But I can’t bring myself to do it. Sophie lied to try and protect someone that she loves, and I get that. It’s not right and completely twisted, but I can respect it.

“I’m really sorry,” Mike tries again.

I sniff and bat at the tears rolling down my cheek. “I think you all have done quite enough. You need to go.”

Sophie’s shoes click against the steps as Mike leads her down them. The door opens and then closes softly.

I glance down to my suitcase. Noel and the rest of the band are going to need some time to recover from this scandal. They don’t need another girl hanging around and possibly coming between them.

I start towards the door and head for the group of Black Falcon roadies hanging out near the Escalades. Hopefully, one of them will be nice enough to take me to the nearest airport.


Nothing has changed in the two weeks I was away from Center Stage Marketing. All the employees work furiously on their computers as I pass by. Diana scheduled a meeting between us first thing this morning. I think she’s anxious to see the plan I’ve come up with for Black Falcon’s charity. I don’t believe Noel ever told her I left the tour a few days early or else she would have just fired me over the phone.

The door to her office is open wide. I stick my head inside, and she waves me in. I take a seat across from her and balance my computer in my lap.

“Lanie, it’s so good to see you, and congratulations for lasting the entire two weeks on tour. Noel called me this morning and said you stuck out your time like a champ. Not that it was a major task for you.” She winks at me.

I swallow hard, feeling a little uncomfortable that she knows so much about my sex life. “Thank you, Ms. Swagger. I actually have the proposal done as well.”

I flip open the screen and stand, but Diana holds up her hand. “No need for that, dear. The more experienced members of my team already outlined the project, and we have things in the works.”

I tilt my head and furrow my brow. “You don’t even want to see what I’ve come up with?”

She holds up her hand, like I’m being ridiculous. “You’re only real job was to look pretty and keep Noel Falcon happy. And you’ve done just that. Leave the real work up to the rest of us.”

I pull my lips into a tight line and slam the lid closed. “You were never going to take me seriously no matter what I did, were you?”

She pulls off her glasses. “Lanie, dear, the sooner you understand that certain people are used for their brains and others are meant to just look pretty, the better off you’ll be. I’m a thinker—a visionary—while you’re the type of person that can wrangle in the clients for me.”

I blow a rush of air through my nose and roll my eyes. “Do you know how archaic that sounds? As a woman, surely you don’t really think that way.”

She shrugs. “That’s reality, honey. You better get used to how things work here in the real world.”

Anger boils through me. Part of me always knew she was using me, but I never imagined she would completely shut me down. She doesn’t even want to give my work a chance. Suddenly, the dream of working under her doesn’t seem like such a grand idea anymore.

I lift my chin. “You know what, Diana, I quit.”

She flinches. “You can’t quit. Have you forgotten about the contract you signed with me?”