My heart hammers with the anticipation of him kissing me.

Noel tips his head down and our noses touch. “Since you seem to be up early, there’s somewhere I want to take you.”

My shoulders slump against the mattress. That isn’t what I thought he was going to ask for.

Noel notices my disappointment and chuckles. “Don’t get me wrong. I won’t object if you want to stay in bed with me all day.”

I frown. “Just because I didn’t throw your drunk ass out of here last night doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind about being with you.”

He shrugs. “Maybe…maybe not. I don’t think it’ll take much to wear you down and see my side of this situation.”

I shake my head. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’ll never be the other woman, Noel.”

“You’re not. You’re the woman.”

I open my mouth to protest, but before I get the chance Noel rolls away from me and hops off the bed. He grabs a towel from the cabinet and wraps it around his still naked waist before heading to the bathroom. “Hurry up and get ready. I want to spend the day with you.”

I rake my hands through my hair and take a deep breath. He still doesn’t get that we’re over…again. I roll over and pick up my phone and send Mom a quick text that I would call her a little later.

A few minutes later, Noel returns from his shower, wearing only a towel. He doesn’t hesitate when he drops it to the ground and pulls a clean pair of jeans out of the drawer.

Noel frowns. “You aren’t dressed.”

“That’s because I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He tugs on my hand, and I snatch it away from him. “Come on, Lane. Can’t we get through this?”

I sigh and rub my forehead. “Are you still drunk? No. No, we can’t get through this. You’re having a baby with someone else.”


“No fucking buts, Noel. We’re done. From this point on this—” I gesture between him and I. “—is just a business relationship.”

He shakes his head and closes his eyes. “It doesn’t have to be that way.”

“Yes, it does. I’m basically a prisoner here. Between you and Diana, you’ve made it impossible for me to get out of this deal without ruining my financial future.”


I hold up my hand. “Just stop talking. I don’t want to hear another word out of your mouth.”

Noel pulls his lips into a tight line. The muscle in his jaw works visibly under his skin. “Fine. Fuck it. If you say we’re done, then we’re done.”

I open my mouth to tell him not to be like that, but quickly shut it. He’s right. We are done. How can we possibly work anything out? He belongs to someone else.

When he sees I’m not going to argue with him, he yanks a shirt out of the closet, and slams the door behind him as he leaves.

I rub my forehead and sigh. This sucks so much. It’s not supposed to be like this. How can he pretend like things aren’t completely fucked up? I mean, he wouldn’t have anything to do with me if I were pregnant by another guy and refused to leave him. Why does he expect any different from me?


Out of sheer boredom, I attend the Black Falcon show. If I have to spend one more moment cooped up in that stupid bus, I will go nuts.

Embrace the Darkness rocks the crowd. Striker’s long hair flings around as he bangs his head to the beat. He flips his head up and points to the people in front of him as he belts the chorus. The entire place sings along with him and he holds his microphone out to them. Even I know every word to this song. It’s number one on the charts right now.

The song ends, and Striker pumps his fist in the air one last time. Screams for the band fill my ears, and I smile as they saunter off the stage one by one.

“Great set, guys,” I tell the members of the group as they pass by me.

Striker grins as he nears me. “Lanie, love, great to see you again.”

I smile as his eyes roam over my face. “You too.”

He peers over my shoulder, and I turn to follow his eye line. Noel strides through a circle of adoring fans, but stops dead in his tracks when he spots me and Striker. He narrows his eyes, and for a second it appears that he might charge at us and read me the riot act for talking with Striker, but he doesn’t. Instead, he turns in the opposite direction.

“An odd fellow, that one,” Striker says. “He wants his hooks in you, that’s for sure.”

I face him. “Well, that isn’t going to happen.”

His eyes light up, and a broad smile covers his face. “There’s an after party for the bands. You ought to go.”

I swallow hard. This feels a little soon, but it will be a good distraction from everything that’s going on.

Striker tucks a lock on his dark hair behind his ear, and I can’t help but notice that he’s pretty damn attractive.

I stare into his chocolate eyes and nod. “Yeah, absolutely.”

“Great! I’ll be watching for you.” He touches my shoulder lightly as he steps around me.

Out of nowhere, Noel appears beside me the instant Striker is gone. “What did he want?”

I shrug. “To talk.”

Trip and Tyke take the stage and the crowd starts to go crazy. I watch the two men tease the crowd with waves and a couple quick notes from their instruments and do my best not to look at Noel. The weight of his stare on my face tries to force me to look at him.