What’s his deal?

The woman beside me has this odd look on her face, too, but she doesn’t appear to be mad, in fact, quite the opposite. Some might call it, a shit eating grin, which in my book always equals to up to no good.

The hairs on my arms stand as I wonder how Noel might know this trashy looking chick. Things start to click. He’s been with this woman before. Why else would he act like that? Like he’s scared that she’s next to me. Like she might say something.

My eyes scan the woman a little more closely this time. Her body is amazing, which is probably why she feels the need to show it off in such a manner, but what else could he possibly see in her? For that matter, if he’s been with women who look like that, what is he doing with an average girl like me?

She turns toward me and smirks as she notices my stare. I’m tempted to smack it right off her face. “You can run off now.” She points her gaze back in Noel’s direction. He’s still staring at us when she says, “I think we both know who’s getting Noel tonight.”

The blood boils under my skin and my hands ball into fists. “What?”

She folds her arms over her chest. “Come on. Don’t play dumb. We both know I can do way more for him than, well…” She looks me up and down and laughs. “well than you. I’m more his speed. You aren’t ready for the big leagues, Princess.”

All of my coherent thoughts leave me. I want her to stop talking. Doesn’t she think I already know I’m not worthy of Noel. What gives her the right to rub it in my face like this? I don’t know where she gets off.

Noel wants me, not her. I know this. I do. But the need to help her shut her mouth rips through me.

I stand there, fists still clenched, praying she just walks away from me.

“Go on.” She uncrosses her arms and shoves my shoulder a little.

The second she lays her skanky hand on me I snap. My fist whips up and makes contact with her face before I even realize what I’ve done. She stumbles back, but manages to stay on her feet. Blood trickles from her right nostril and she wipes it away with her hand.

Her eyes blaze with fury. “You bitch.”

The woman lunges for me and shoves my shoulders back. The electrical chords behind me tangle my footing and I fall back. When I hit the floor, she jumps on top of me. A handful of my hair ends up in her hand and she yanks my head to the side before she smacks my face. The blow rattles my skull. I’ve never been hit before and it surprises me how much it stings. I’m desperate to get her off me. I buck my hips as she draws back to hit me again. Before she has the chance, she flies off me, and I scramble to sit up.

After I’m up on my knees I push forward after her before she has the chance to come back at me first. Two large hands grab under my arms and yank me to my feet.

The adrenaline flows through my veins and my eyes stay locked on the center of my anger. One of the crew members help the blonde up, and I notice the torn ‘dress’ hangs off her body. The bikini top she has on also moved out of place, exposing one of her nipples.

She readjusts her clothes and scowls at me.

I didn’t even notice that the band had stopped playing until that very moment, and every eye in the place, along with every camera, points in my direction.

“Lane! Answer me. Are you okay?” Noel asks. My eyes dart to his face—his brow knitted in confusion and concern. I don’t even realize he’s holding onto me. “Are you hurt?”

I shake my head and gaze back out toward the crowd. Somehow my little run in with this chick ended up on stage in front of all these people. We must’ve rolled right on out here.

Trampy girl flips me off before she turns away and a security guard escorts her off the stage.

The mumble of the impatient crowd grows louder as Riff picks up his guitar. “Noel, man, we need to wrap this show up. She’s fine.”

Noel’s mouth pulls into a tight line. He doesn’t want to leave me alone right now, but he knows the crowd will rip this place apart if they don’t get the show they paid for.

He touches my cheek and I flinch. “Go to the bus and put some ice on that. We’ll talk as soon as the set is over.”

I don’t want to go. What I really want is answers on who that woman is and why would she think she has claim over him. But now isn’t the time. I know that. Not here, with twenty thousand witnesses. Instead of making a scene, I nod and Noel kisses my forehead.

“Ice. I mean it,” he says as he steps away from me.

A collective sigh echoes around the arena and I suddenly want to puke. Can I deal with fighting women day in and day out over Noel?

This isn’t me.

I am not the crazy girl that’s willing to fight every woman in the world who looks at her man. What’s wrong with me?

A couple security guards escort me off the stage and ask me if I’m alright.

“Sorry about that. Women. What can you do?” Noel says and the crowd laughs. I know he doesn’t mean anything by it, but it stings a little. “Bet you guys didn’t know you’d get two shows today.”

The crowd laughs even harder and then the drums kick up the beat.

I want to die.

Back on the bus, I’ve managed to find a baggie and stuff it with ice. It stings when it touches my cheek, but the numb feeling on my skin is welcomed.

I can’t even make it one day without making enemies. I plop down on the couch and close my eyes. This day can’t possibly get any worse.

There’s a knock on the outside door, just as I get comfortable. That’s strange. I’ve never heard anyone knock on that door before. Most of the guys around here come and go as they please on this bus, but the show is still going strong so I know it can’t be anyone associated with the band.