He shakes his head. “No, I’m really not. You’re perfect and sweet. A good girl. I’m just going to taint you.”

“You’re not.” I try to reassure him and grab his face. I stare into his eyes. “If anyone tainted me, it was my ex. You’ll never treat me the way he did. I know you wouldn’t. Don’t ever think that you’re too good for me. Ever.”

He frowns. “What did he do to you?”

I glance away. The pain from my memory still cuts deep. It is the ultimate betrayal. “I walked in on him having sex with another girl in his dorm room.”

Noel’s eyes soften and he sits up. His arms wrap around me. “I’m so sorry, Lane. Were you with him long?”

I nod while Noel strokes the bare skin on my back. “A little over two years. He was my first real college friend, and it turned into more. I thought I knew him. I never dreamed he was screwing every girl he could get his hands on behind my back.”

“Want me to kick his ass?”

I laugh. “I’d prefer to never talk about him again. It’s in the past.”

Noel smiles. “That’s fine with me. I’ll never do you wrong, Lane. You know that, right? No matter what you hear about me, just know there isn’t another girl that could ever compare to you. You’re all that I want. Don’t believe anything other than that.”

I think about all the pictures I’ve seen on the internet—Noel with a different woman in each one. “Are you telling me you don’t get around? I saw you with the two blonde bimbos myself, remember?”

He frowns. “I’m not saying there weren’t other women. There were some, but like in my sick, twisted mind they were all you. I’ve never stopped loving you, Lane. I didn’t think I ever had another shot with you. You left me, remember? I tried to get over you, but I couldn’t.”

My heart flops in my chest. It doesn’t matter how many women he’s slept with since we were apart. All that matters now is that he’s mine, and he only wants me. I can see it in his eyes. He means what he’s telling me.

Noel pushes my hair back and cups my face. “I love you, Lane. I always have.”

That’s all I need to hear. I melt into his touch. “I love you, too.”

His lips crush mine and he pushes me down on the bed. Noel settles his body on top of mine and I can feel his erection slide up against me. I smile against his lips before we make love one more time.


After finishing up the final touches for dinner, I help bring the food out with Mom. I set the bowl holding the potato salad on the table, out on the back deck and she brings out the salad. I glance over at Noel, who stands watch over the grill, and smile. He’s grinning while he stares at the steaks, and I wonder if he’s thinking about the incredible sex we just had in my room.

The kissing rule didn’t last very long, but I’m not one bit upset over it.

“Honey.” Mom touches my arm. “I didn’t think you two were back together.”

I shrug and bit my lip. “Things change.”

Mom nods and her eyes light up at the conformation. “I thought so. That boy is still crazy over you.”

A fierce blush creeps up my neck and floods my cheeks. “Yeah, well, I know exactly how he feels.”

The doorbell rings before she can dig for any additional details and I’m grateful. It’s hard to explain a relationship status I’m even unsure about.

Muffled conversation comes from inside the house, and Noel turns away from the grill. He grins when his mother steps outside. Instantly he’s in front of her, wrapping her up in a big bear-hug. Warmth spreads all over me, and I choke back a tear. I’m glad I made this happen.

“Noel, honey, it’s so good to see you.” His mom, Irene, pats him on the back while still in his embrace.

His smile causes his eyes to twinkle. “You too, Mom. I’ve missed you so much. I can’t believe it’s been so long.”

Irene pulls back and touches her son’s cheek. “Let’s not wait another four years, okay.” She glances in my direction with tears streaming down her face. “Lanie, get over here and give me a hug.”

She wraps her slender arms around me and whispers in my ear, “Thank you for bringing me back my boy.”

When she decides to let go, she flips her dark hair over her shoulder and I can’t help but smile at how many features Noel takes from his mom. The hair color, the ocean-clear blue eyes, and a heart warming smile.

Noel grabs the steaks off the grill while the rest of us find a seat. He sits between me and Irene and fills us in about life on the road.

“I’ve been curious, Noel. How did you meet your other band-mates? I’ve seen pictures of all you boys, and I don’t remember any of them from around here,” my mom says.

Noel swallows down the steak he is chewing and glances quickly at Irene. “On the road. After high school, I traveled for a while.”

I frown knowing that isn’t exactly what happened, but I know he’s trying to keep Irene from having to explain why her husband exiled his own son. Noel knows no matter what I did, Mom would never cut me out of her life like that. The problems between him and his father were always something I kept from her, so she wouldn’t understand the underlying tension in their relationship.

Mom lifts her brow. “Really? Irene, I don’t know how you and Frank kept sane. Jim and I would’ve been out of our minds worried about Lanie if she took off like that being so young.”