I turn my hands over and shrug. “My parents would love to have you over. We can drive down, invite your mom to dinner at my mom's house, and we can stay the night. It’d give you a chance to spend time with your mom without having to face your father.”

“You’d do that for me?”

“Of course I would. You’re my oldest friend.”

Noel throws his arm around me and pulls me in close to his side just like old times, and I’m amazed how natural it feels.


We pull into Dallas a little after four o’clock the next day. The bus rounds the corner towards the American Airlines Center concert hall. This is yet another monstrously huge venue Black Falcon will no doubt fill tomorrow night. Security guards open the ‘authorized personal only’ gate and allow the bus to pass through. The driver turns the bus smoothly into the back lot area and then cuts the engine.

“Whoo hoo! Two days of freedom, boys!” Trip yells as he slaps a baseball cap over his jet black hair. “Now to find me a little honey while I’m here.”

Tyke laughs at his brother as he looks out the bus window. “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

I follow his line of sight. A mass of fans wait outside with cameras and ‘We love you’ signs in hand. Most of them are women, but there are a few guys in the mix as well. The majority seems harmless, but a handful of women stick out in their scantily clad clothing that screams ‘fuck me!’ Trip and Tyke point out a few and chat amongst themselves calling dibs on certain women.

Riff joins them and gives the group a careful once over, like he’s deciding on which dessert to pick.

I roll my eyes.


My cell phone rings, and I yank it from my back pocket. “I was just getting ready to call you.”

“Good thing because I’m already here,” Aubrey says into the phone. “I think this is the bus your on.”

I shove in-between the gawking men and scan the crowd. Aubrey stands to the side with the phone against her ear wearing a pair of low rise cut off shorts and a black tank top. She’s showing just enough stomach for the guys to fight over which one has dibs on the red head. “I see you! I’m coming out.”

I take the steps two at a time and shove open the bus door. Aubrey spots me immediately and pushes past security to grab me up in a tight hug. “I’ve been waiting for freaking ever.” She releases me and shoves her auburn curls over her shoulder. “It’s good to see you too. I’ve missed you.”

I grab her hand. “Come on. I want you to meet the guys before they all take off on their two day reprieve.”

Aubrey giggles with excitement and allows me to pull her onto the bus. All three guys immediately stop talking when we step inside and turn toward us. The curiosity burns in their eyes as I pull Aubrey beside me. “Guys, this is my closest friend, Aubrey. Aubrey this is Black Falcon. This is Trip”—I point to him—“he’s the drummer. And this is his twin brother, Tyke—also the bass player. And last but not least—”

“Riff.” He takes a step and shakes Aubrey’s hand as he introduces himself.

His eyes glue to hers and she giggles again. I have never seen her so unhitched and nervous. Both of her cheeks are turning pink as they shake hands for an extra lengthy time period. The twins seem to notice it too. Trip slaps Riff on the back. “Later man.” Then he and Tyke go out to round up other girls.

I clear my throat, and Aubrey lets go of Riff’s hand. “So, um, Aubrey, what do you want to do today?”

She finally pulls her eyes away from Riff and says, “Doesn’t matter.”

“How about we all hang out,” Riff says.

Heavy boots clomp onto the kitchen floor. Noel’s showered and looking down right sexy in tight jeans and black t-shirt. The material clings to his chest and shows off his body perfectly. I bite my lip, and Aubrey elbows me.

Damn. I glance away quickly and hook some loose hair behind my ear. Heat creeps up my neck and can’t make myself look at her. I know, without a doubt, she’s got that smug I-know-you-like-him look on her face.

“What’s going on?” Noel asks as he grabs a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

“Noel this is my friend, Aubrey. The one I was telling you about.”

He gives her a nod and then points his attention to Riff, who hasn’t taken his eyes off my friend since she set foot on this bus. “You’re going out with these two?”

Riff blinks hard a couple times, like he’s breaking out of trance. “Yeah, I mean, if they are cool with that.”

Before I can object, Aubrey says, “Absolutely.”

Riff grins at her again and then puts on his sunglasses while he heads for the bus door. “Awesome. Let’s get this show on the road.”

I grab Aubrey’s arm before she follows him out like a little puppy. “What the hell are you doing?”

She shrugs. “He’s hot and seems into me. What’s the problem?”

There really isn’t one. I just don’t want her to get crushed by an asshole like Riff. “Nothing, I guess. Just be cautious. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Aubrey leans in and kisses my cheek. “I’m a big girl, Lanie. I’m just here to have a good time, not get married. I know what I’m doing.”

I throw my arms around her neck and hug her. “Of course, have a good time.”

She grins before she follows Riff out the door. I watch through the bus window as she meets up with him, and he holds out his hand to her like they’ve known each other for years and head towards the Escalade.