Page 68 of Jace

Could it be real?

It felt real.

Besides which, she had just seen Jace destroy a machine the size of a small cruiser.

“There,” Zara said. “Now you can claim your mate without fear.”

“Susannah,” Jace roared as he ran for her again.

This time, no one stopped him, and he swept her up in his arms, baby and all, and swung her around.

“You were incredible,” Susannah cried.

“Bah,” Zeke squeaked happily.

“Someone woke up,” Jace said, smiling as he set them down again.

“He missed all the excitement,” Susannah said as she pulled her son out of his sling so he could cuddle her and look around at the friendly people surrounding them, cooing and smiling at him.

“Susannah has news for you,” Zara said bravely, winking to Susannah.

Susannah felt her cheeks heating.

“What is it?” Jace asked.

“I… I accept your claim,” she said softly. “The curse cannot harm you now.”

“Susannah,” he growled, his voice rough with hunger.

She felt her belly clench in response, need overwhelming her senses.

“We cannot,” he told her tightly.

“Why?” she practically moaned, suddenly feeling sympathy for his patience so far.

“The mating frenzy will last for days,” he told her. “We must care for the whelp.”

An excited murmur went through the crowd.

“Susannah,” Zara said. “Would you allow me to care for Zeke until you and Jace are… able? The whole community will help, we haven’t had a baby around in a year or so. He won’t be unattended for a single moment.”

“We’ll spoil him rotten,” an older lady beside her sighed with a dreamy smile.

Susannah glanced up at Jace.

He nodded once.

“Thank you,” she told Zara. “I don’t know how we’ll ever thank you enough.”

“You saved our home,” Zara said simply. “We’ll stop by your place a few times each day in case you need anything. Hang a piece of red clothing on your porch when you are ready to have your son back, so we’ll know.”

Susannah embraced her new friend and then handed over Zeke, who began instantly chattering and trying to grab Zara’s bright hair.

“We’ll see you soon, baby,” Susannah told him.

“Be good, whelp,” Jace advised.

Then he was lifting her into his arms, holding her close and sprinting through the woods so quickly the trees blurred. Susannah knew in her heart that the dragon was lending him speed, taking them home as quickly as possible so they could surrender to the need that had bound them together since the moment they met.