Page 57 of Jace

“You sure know how to stay friendly, even when you’re hungry,” she complimented him.

He chirped back at her happily while she warmed a cell of milk.

Curling up on a big, fluffy chair, she lowered him in her arms and offered him his breakfast.

He grabbed it with his chubby fists and began his meal, gazing into her eyes with a serious expression.

His little face was still the same soft green as his father’s. She wondered if spending more time with her would cause the boy to take on some of her features, or if his initial bonding had decided his look for good.

One more thing to ask Jace when she saw him.

When Zeke’s meal was finished, she burped him, cleaned up his cell, and strapped him to her chest.

“I hope you like it there,” she told him.

He kicked his little feet once and then seemed perfectly content to lean against her chest and doze off.

“It’s like having a kitten,” she said fondly to his sleepy head.

She had spent some of her nervous energy last night baking the arbistle. It wasn’t much, with only salt to season it, but it would be enough for a hearty breakfast.

She packed it up, along with some biscuits, threw on her cloak, and headed out of the cabin.

The air was cold but fresh. Once again, she drank in the lovely, woodsy scent.

A girl could get used to living in a place like this.

“Susannah,” Jace’s voice boomed across the clearing.

She turned to see him jogging up to her from around the back of the house.

She felt her whole body respond to him, as if the brief time apart had taken down her defenses and made her long for him more than ever.

“What’s that?” he asked, indicating the packet of food she held.

“I thought you might like some breakfast,” she said. “I cooked the arbistle last night.”

His eyes widened slightly, and he licked his lips. “I could kiss you,” he said.

She blushed and then went up on her toes to kiss his cheek.

She still wasn’t ready to give in to being his mate, but obviously the storm between them had passed. And that had to be enough for now.

They had twenty standard years to figure the rest out.

“How was last night?” she asked. “Did you see anyone?”

“No,” he said. “But beings have been here, and not just us. I think I should go to Bard’s place and check it out. It has to be him, or someone from his property. There’s no one else around.”

“That’s a good idea,” she said. “I’ll come too.”

He looked torn.

“Zeke has a fresh diaper, and he just had his breakfast,” she said. “I’m properly equipped, and I won’t slow you down. I just… don’t want you to leave us alone.”

His face lit up slightly, as if he were proud that she craved his protection and his company.

As far as she was concerned, that was fine, as long as he let them come along.