But as he sank into her, inch after inch, she was shocked to feel pleasure blooming before the pain was even gone.
“Jace,” she whispered in awe.
“Is it too much?” he murmured. “Should I stop?”
“No,” she moaned happily. “It’s not enough. I need you. I need all of you.”
Jace growled and thrust into her, filling her completely, perfectly.
The sensations fell on her all at once, colliding with each other until she wasn’t sure which was which.
Pain, pleasure, and something warm and almost familiar, pulling Jace to her as if she had the gravity of a planet and he were her moon.
“Susannah,” he rasped.
She tilted her hips slightly, needing him to move.
He groaned in surrender and withdrew from her, thrusting again.
The sensations were piling on top of each other again, and Susannah was lost in the brilliant colors of the ecstasy he wrenched from her with every thrust. Blue for peace, red for need, and the green of the lush forests and fertile valleys that would be their home.
When the tension had ratcheted her up to the stars, he cried out her name and thrust one last time.
She felt herself fly just as he swelled inside her, jetting his essence in helpless throbs as she splintered apart in his strong arms.
When the wild pleasure began to fade at last, there was no sound but their panting.
“Wow,” Susannah whispered.
“Are you okay?” Jace asked solemnly.
“I am better than okay,” she assured him. “I feel like I could fly.”
“If you want, you can fly on my back,” he offered.
“Really?” she asked, thrilled at the thought.
“Yes, of course,” he told her. “But another day. We only have a few minutes right now.”
“A few minutes?” she echoed.
“A few minutes before you need me again,” he explained.
“That’s ridiculous, we just…” But she trailed off. Because the thought of needing him again had unfurled fresh desire in her belly. “Jace?”
“I’ve got you, my mate,” he told her fondly, wrapping his arms around her once more and pulling her close enough that she could feel the length of him, rigid and ready against her hip.
Susannah awoke early and slipped out of bed.
Jace was sleeping hard, arms flung out as if in surrender. The sheets did little to cover his impressive muscles, and she was half tempted to crawl back in and brush her lips across his pale green flesh until he took her again.
But the frenzy had loosened its hold on her just enough that she could resist.
She wanted her mate, and badly.