Dammit. Warn a man before you catch him off guard!

“Everything okay over there?” That old lady is back, this time making her way around the hedge row. I can practically hear her squeaky orthopedic shoes from here.

Posey turns.

My eyes?

Migrate toward her ass, of course they do—her butt cheeks seemingly on full display, or maybe it’s just my imagination now that she’s poked it.

What about those jokes was supposed to have me smiling?

All it did was make my mind wander.

All it did was make my eyes wander.

That ass…


Why are her legs so tan? Isn’t she inside all day?

Posey isn’t tall, but everything she’s working with is candy. Sweet, sweet candy.

Oh my God—shut the fuck up, Duke.



“We’re good, Mrs. Galvin—Duke here was just fixing the porch. We had a hammock out here, and he took a tumble on it, so now we have a bit of work. He’s not disturbing you, I hope?”

The old bag saw me staring at Posey’s ass, I just know it.

She narrows her eyes. “Just wanted to make sure things were on the up and up.”

The up and up?

What does that even mean?

“They are.” Posey shifts on her heels. “Actually, Mrs. Galvin, Duke here is staying with me for a bit. He’s my cousin.”


Like hell I’m her cousin!

“Is that so?” The old woman’s gaze homes in on me. “Well. Good. I hate seeing Miss Posey here all alone. She needs a man around the house—wish she’d let me set her up with my grandson.”

“The one in the military?” I snark, unable to help myself.

“No.” The old biddy notches her chin. “The hedge fund manager who works downtown. Went to the University of Southern California.”

“Oh, la-di-da, USC,” I mumble. “Their football teamsucked.”

It didn’t suck, but my pride won’t let me admit it.

Posey swats at me, but I hear the giggle.

Rising, I stand behind her, chest almost pressed against her back as she chats with the neighbor lady.