Molly:The window? What window??

Me:The one in the kitchen, above the sink.

Molly:How the hell was he able to fit through there? It’s tiny.

Me:Yeah, I know. I was in my office, and he came upstairs and busted through the door—I thought he was a robber and almost stabbed him with the letter opener. LOL, can you imagine?

Molly:Oh my God, stop it. No, you did not almost stab him.

Me:I mean, okay fine. He was on the other side of the desk, but I needed a weapon because I didn’t know who he was. And who freaking just comes inside like that? RING THE DAMN DOORBELL

Molly:Dear God. I am so sorry.

Me:You warned me he was an asshole, so it didn’t come as a shock.

Molly:You have to put up with this bullshit for another 2 weeks and it’s my fault.

Me:We can blame Eli. He’s the one who thought it was a good idea to hide him here. Honestly, who do these guys think they’re fooling? Duke is ten feet tall, looks like a cowboy, SOUNDS like a cowboy, and roams around the yard like a puppy dog. There is no hiding him, and no disguise will conceal his identity.

Molly:Listen, I don’t want to bash men, but—let them live in their little fantasy world, eh? This is a THEM problem, not a YOU problem.

Me:I tried introducing some rules last night, and he laughed in my face.

Molly:LOL, what kind of rules?

Me:Basic roommate rules, respect the space, don’t make a ton of noise—stuff like that.

Molly:Oh boy…

Me:Yeah, oh boy is right.

Me:Speaking of which, he’s knocking—let me see what he wants.

Surprised that the man remembers his manners and has the courtesy to knock on my office door, I put my phone down and clear my throat. “Come in.”

The door creaks open slowly.

And why I was expecting him to be fully clothed is beyond me, but that’s not the sight that greets me when he walks all the way in, only a stark white towel wrapped around his waist.

Wet hair.

Gleaming chest, dripping with moisture.

It looks as if someone rubbed him down with baby oil.

“Can I help you?” I avert my eyes. His pec muscles are the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. No man I’ve ever dated or seen in the gym has a body like this.

No man.


If Chris Hemsworth and The Rock had a baby, it would be Duke Colter.

He runs a hand through his glistening wet hair. “I was wonderin’ if you were willing to grab those groceries off the list I made.”

Wonderin’… So Southern.

“Um.” I squirm in my chair, focusing my eyes on the wall behind him.