Well, that answer is simple:

I was going to use it again, so why bother putting it back?

I wasn’t planning on having a man in my room tonight who didn’t belong here.

Too late, Duke has it in his hand, lifting it into the air, dwarfing it with his size. In my hand, it looks normal, but in his, it looks tiny.

“What the fuck is this?” He holds it close to his eye, studying its simple design.

It looks more like a pink bullet than a pleasure giver—ha!

“What does itlooklike?”

“I dunno.” He squints at it. “A vibrator?”

Ding, ding, ding.

“I told you I was jerking off before.” I feign being bored with the topic as if it were a conversation I had regularly.

“First of all, kindergarten teachers shouldn’t say they’re jerking off.Mensay they’re jerking off.”

I raise my brows. “And second?”

“Second…and second…I didn’t actually believe you.”

Of course he didn’t.

My face scrunches up. “Why would I lie about something like that?”

“Dunno.” He shrugs, my little pink vibrator clutched between two fingers. “How does this thing work?”

“If you don’t know how it works, we have bigger problems…”

He scowls at me. “No, I meant how does it turn on? Where’s the switch?”

“There’s no switch.” I take it from him. “You press this down for three seconds, and it goes on.” I press down on a power button that blends into the sleek object, and within seconds, the pink toy is buzzing away.

And because I’m a dumb-dumb, I hand it back to him.

Duke still scrutinizes it as if he’s never seen one before.

“Haven’t you ever seen a vibrator before?”

He shakes his head. “Not in person.”

What? How can that be? Surely, he’s banged half the state of Texas and half the state of New York and everyone between?

You’re stereotyping, Posey. That is so rude. You don’t like it when people do it to you.

I don’t say more; just watch when he presses it against his palm. Then his thigh, letting it buzz on his skin.

“This feels so weird.”

I can’t believe we’re sitting on my bed while he plays with my vibrator.

Thank God I washed itbecause his bear paws are all over it.

“Did you know they sell sex toys at Target?” he asks me, still trailing the vibrator over his palm.