
Posey:Um. I would rather…Have a unibrow, I guess? How about you?

Duke:Unibrow. Basically have one already. Real men don’t pluck.

Posey:Oh come on now, none of that toxic masculinity…plenty of men pluck and wax.

Duke:Do they actually? I wouldn’t know—my dad was a giant asshole, and I grew up in Texas. If he’d caught me manscaping, I’d have gotten my ass whooped.

Posey:**sad face**

Duke:What about you? Where’d you grow up?

I’m curious, and it feels natural to ask her, although I hadn’t intended to get too personal with her. Guess some things are inevitable, especially given that I’m living in her house.

Is it weird that we’re on a dating app chatting while we’re in the same house, rooms apart.

Do I care? No.

Will I bring it up tomorrow morning? Also no.

We seem to have an understanding, Posey and I. I am Dink while I’m on the dating app having fun, she’s her, and outside these rooms, outside the apps—we’re Duke and Posey, roommates.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Posey:I grew up in Minnesota. Came here for college, haven’t left. Met Molly while we were living in the dorms and never left her, either. I love her like a sister.

Duke:You have siblings?

Posey:No, I’m a lonely only child. You?

Duke:Yup, 3 brothers.

Posey:THREE???? Wait. There are FOUR COLTERS running around??? Omg. Your poor mother.

Posey:How did she deal??

Duke:My pops was strict and Mama had help raising us with nannies and shit. We grew up on a ranch, but my dad made a good living, so. Nannies and a strict upbringing—that’s how she dealt.

Posey:Are your brothers older or younger?

Duke:Younger. They’re all in college. Dallas is a sophomore. Drew and Drake are freshmen. And before you ask, yes, they all play football.

Posey:Are Drew and Drake twins??

That’s not at all what I was expecting her to say; normally, people react to the fact that we’re football legacies, each one of us outstanding players in our own right. The fact that Drew and Drake are twins rarely gets mentioned.

Duke:Yes, ma’am.

Posey:Wow, holy crap. That’s awesome.

Duke:That’s how come there are four of us LOL. Don’t think they were planning on four boys, but that’s what they got.

Posey:Way too much testosterone.

Duke:I imagine it was.

It takes Posey a few minutes to respond to me or ask another question, and I wonder what she could be doing in that bedroom of hers, seeing as how she hasn’t come out.