Duke:Sure you did…

Duke:Scale of 1 to 10, rate your day.

Posey:Seriously? You want to know how my DAY was? Why didn’t you just ask me when you saw me in the bathroom before?

Duke:Cause I thought it would be more fun to chat on our super-secret dating app that no one knows we’re on except us. And whatever tool you’re talking to.

Posey:I’m not talking to any tools except you. HA HA

Duke:And that one guy who didn’t message you first.

Posey:Can we please talk about the fact that you busted the porch railings and now have to fix them… Which puts my day at a 9 because that was HIGHLY highly entertaining.

Duke:Glad to be of service.

Posey:At least you own your stuff.

Duke:You mean “Own my shit?”

Posey:ha, yes.

Duke:Do you not curse?

Posey:I curse—you’ve heard me. Just try not to make a habit of it. I should have known you’d tease me for saying stuff and not shit.

Duke:I wasn’t teasing—just clarifying LOL

Posey:How would you rate your day?

Duke:Eh, 7. I’m pretty bored.

Posey:You’ve only mentioned being bored 100 times already. No doubt you’re bitching to EVERYONE.

Duke:Ha ha. Facts.

Duke:LOL, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact I can’t even take a jog on the street right now without someone calling the paps. I want to get this press conference over with so I can move on with my life.

Posey:Yeah, I suppose everyone is looking for you.

Duke:Yup. No one has seen me in public in a week, and New York leaked to SportsCenter that I won’t be returning. It’s a mess. Good thing I already got groceries.





Posey:Oh Lord, here we go….

Duke:WOULD YOU RATHER: Have no eyebrows OR Have a unibrow?

Posey:Do I get to pluck?


Posey:Do I get to pencil in the brows?