“So I’m callin’ for a reason.”

Dallas leans forward on his couch, clasping his hands and resting them on his knees. “Yeah?”

“I was talking to my agent—you know Eli Cohen?”

“Obviously.” Dallas nods. “Everyone knows Eli Cohen.”

He’s not wrong. Not only is Eli the highest-paid agent in America, but he also happens to have a roster full of the highest-paid athletes in the world as well.

“What about him?”

“I think it’s time to sign with someone, and I think you should consider him. Who else have you been talkin’ to?”

Dallas leans back again, resting on the couch cushions. “Just two others. Tony Sheffield and Davon Fields.”

I’ve heard of them both. And while it’s none of my business who my brother signs a deal with…it’s my business who my damn little brother signs a deal with. The last thing I want is him making the same mistakes I made, signing with the first asshole who turned my head with expensive gifts and empty promises.

“Listen. I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but I’ll tell you what I know about Cohen—he actually gives a shit. Before I left Illinois, when I went back to see Posey, we had him over for dinner and didn’t talk about work. He wanted to know about me, he wanted to know about Posey, he wanted to know where my head was at.” I pause. “He’s genuine and won’t make bad decisions on your behalf. So I’d like it if you’d humor me and meet with him. Soon.”

Dallas will be at the Combine next year, his junior year, and after that, it’s go-time. If he’s serious about playing in the professionals, it's time for him to make a decision. Because as soon as the Combine is over…

“All right.”

Relieved, I lean back. “I’ll text you his number—I’ll also let him know to expect a call from you.”

I’m not letting Dallas off the hook, and I’m not gonna let him be lazy.

My brother nods again. “All right.”

“Good.” Satisfied, we make small talk, the twins failing to make an appearance.

“What about you two?” He wants to know. “What’s up with…” His hands go back and forth, gesturing to my hand on Posey’s knee. “I thought the two of you were just friends.”

“Did I say we were just friends?” I muse. “That’s weird ’cause I definitely don’t just consider her a friend.”

Friends who fuck.

Friends who laugh and take naked showers together.

Friends who grope each other under the table.

Friends who put on disguises to go to the grocery store because it’s funny.

Friends who are planning a quick trip to the Bahamas before the football season officially starts.

Friends who think we’re hilarious.

Friends who…well.

I’m probably falling in love with her.

I haven’t told her yet, but I will. Because it’s driving me crazy keeping it inside. I feel like a lovesick dipshit half the time, staring at her ’cause I think she’s so fucking cute. Damn freckles on the bridge of her nose don’t help any.

Dallas stares at us through the laptop screen. “Glad to see you’re so happy.”

Posey slides her hand around my back and gives me a side hug. And it shouldn’t make the dick in my pants stir, but it does.
