I still have not come.

I want to throw the pillows across the room but can’t move because there is COME DRIPPING DOWN MY SIDES.

Duke reappears with a wet washcloth, then wipes my flesh and cleans me up. He tosses the rag into the hamper in the corner of the room, then flips the light back off before going to the foot of the bed and crawling on his hand and knees—back in my direction.


His giant hands spread my legs, pushing my knees apart.

His mouth goes to my pussy, going straight to work.

“You’re so fucking wet,” he tells me, licking down my center. Sucks.

Sucks, beard stubble tickling the skin of my inner thighs.That’s going to leave a mark…

“Oh my God.” It feels so good, feels so good. “Don’t stop.”

He doesn’t.

Duke goes to town, sucking my clit until my legs start to tremble, my body beginning to quake, the orgasm hitting me harder than it probably would have done if it was his dick hitting my G-spot.

“Uh…” I’m shaking—shaking as if all the nerves in my body were struck at the same time because perhaps they were.

And when he’s done, he kisses my lips. Pressing his lips against mine before collapsing on the bed next to me and reaching for my hand.

I sit up, pulling the quilt over us.

“Can we not tell anyone that I came in less than sixty seconds, please?”

It’s not what I was expecting him to say. The laugh leaving my throat sounds nervous and full of giggles. “Who would I tell?”

“Um—literally anybody?SportsCenter?People Magazine? Molly?”

Good point. “I forgot you weren’t a normal person,” I tease.

“I’m normal. I’m just not…”


“Fine. I’m not normal.”

“Trust me, I haven’t said anything to Molly about the other morning and I’m not going to say anything about this either. I promise.”

He lets go of my hand so he can roll toward me, tucking a hand under his chin. “I believe you.”

I believe you.

The words do something to my insides. “You don’t trust many people, do you?”

“Not really.”


Duke thinks about it for a few seconds. “So back when I was a kid—when I was a junior about to go through the draft, I had this agent I thought was the tits. His clients were some of the most famous athletes in the world, and I just assumed I could trust him.”

I already don’t love how this story is going.

“And I was this kid who assumed I’d be playin’ in Texas because that’s where my pops played—and I waspromisedthat’s who would take me in the draft.”