My hands look massive against her small frame, one on each side of her waist, fingers splayed as I watch her resting there. It’s a practice in self-control, considering I want to smother her tits with my face.

Or be suffocated by them; it wouldn’t be the worst way to die.

Posey runs her hands over my chest. She’s doing it so softly it actually tickles but not in a torturous way. Her palms are soft—not calloused like mine.

“You’re so big,” she says.

It’s true, I’m basically a giant. I’ve been huge since I was little, always in the ninetieth percentile in height and weight, and I swear I had a beard in second grade.


“I can’t believe I have my shirt off.” Her voice is quiet and amused, but she’s not one bit shy—something I never would have guessed about her. She’s a kindergarten teacher, for fuck’s sake.

“I appreciate that.” My hands cup her breasts, playing with them as if they’re shiny new toys. My new favorite things in the world, everything else forgotten,what’s football?

When she dips down to kiss me, they touch my chest. When she moves farther, they’re squished between us as she kisses my mouth.

Skin on skin.

Tongues mingling.

“Your tits are way better than I thought they’d be when I pictured you naked.”

Why did I say that out loud? She might not take that as a compliment.

Posey pulls back to look at me, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

“You’ve thought about me naked?”

“Oh, darlin’, you have no idea how many times the thought has crossed my mind.”

She shivers.

“You cold?”

“No. When you say it like that with an accent, it gives me goose bumps.”

“Darlin’?” My voice is low and deep.

She shivers. “Stop it.”

“Crosses my mind.”

When she shivers again, her tits move.

I can’t stand it anymore. Using my core muscles, I sit up, wrapping my arms around her in the process, hugging her close, my mouth on her collarbone, kissing up her neck.

She tilts it, giving me better access.


“God, that feels good,” she murmurs.

She feels good.

I feel good when I’m with her.

This was the best fucking almost two weeks of my life.