Of course they do.

I lift a finger in the universal “be there in a second” motion.

He stares hard at the girls a few more seconds before nodding once and disappearing back into the house.

“Holy shit,” one of the girls whispers. “He issohot.”

“Wait.” The brunette pauses. “Was that who I think it was?”

“Who did you think that was?” The blonde grips her friend’s forearm. “Is he your ex-boyfriend?”

“Please tell us that’s not the older brother. Which one was that?”

Dear Lord, if they were drooling before, they’re positively foaming at the mouth now. Is this what it’s like being in public with Duke Colter? No wonder he wants to hide out; if these college girls recognize him, what’s it like when he’s in the company of grown men?

It must be a feeding frenzy.

“Well, ladies, duty calls.” I clap my hands together, disregarding their questions. “It was nice meeting you. I’m sure you’ll see the boys around this year.”

Oh God, I really do sound like a total mom.I’m sure you’ll see the boys around this year?Ugh! Why don’t I just go ahead and add, “Be mindful of your studies! Safety first, always stick together in groups! Get a good night’s sleep before a big test!”


I’m such a nerd sometimes.



Ihate to admit that I’m glad to have had Posey along with me today, but…I’m glad to have had Posey along with me today. I think the boys liked it too. She’s adorable and fun to be around.

I also found out today that she has a terrible singing voice, having caught her warbling while she was scrubbing the bathtub, down on her hands and knees with scouring powder.

Something else I caught her doing?

Chatting outside with those girls a few times. At one point, they got so bold as to come to the door, pretending they needed help with something, but in reality, they just wanted to meet the boys in person.

I’d seen them outside once—did they think we’re so dumb we wouldn’t recognize them a few hours later?

Dallas, Drew, and Drake are gonna be fucked if young ladies these days are so bold as to throw themselves at them.

“Those girls are trouble,” I’d warned as soon as I heard Posey send them on their way.“You hear me? Stay away from ’em.”

“How are we gonna stay away from them if they’re coming here? It’s not like we went lookin’ for them,” Dallas had pointed out.

He, of all people, needs to be cautious. He’ll be entering the draft soon and entering a lucrative contract, if the universe favors him the way we’re all expecting it to.

“You know damn well those are the kind of girls who poke holes in a condom to trap you into lifetime child support payments.”

“Yeah, idiot,”Drake had chimed in. “Her tits were hanging out on a Sunday.”

Could they not say tits in front of Posey? Jesus Christ.

“What does the day of the week have to do with anything?”

Drake rolled his eyes. “Because. It’s Sunday.”

We were never a particularly religious family, but to me, his argument made a bit of sense. There was no reason the girls had to traipse over wearing barely anything in the middle of the afternoon after having met Posey earlier while they were covered from head to toe in sweatshirts, bike shorts, and sneakers. Kind of the same thing Posey had on.