Me:I’m with Duke. We’re going to Madison to check in on his brothers. They’re moving into school this weekend.

Molly:Wait a minute—Duke is going to a COLLEGE CAMPUS? He’s going to get mobbed…

My first thought is Eli gave Duke the green light by getting him a truck. Do they not talk about this stuff? Must be agent-client confidentiality?

Me:He doesn’t seem concerned, and I’m pretty sure he brought his disguise. But like—it’s his brothers so even if there were photos online, would it matter? He’s visiting his brothers at school. This has nothing to do with football.

She ignores me, powering on with her own line of questioning.

Molly:ALSO, since when are the two of you HANGING OUT?

Me:I told you about how he was at Wylee’s last night and basically had Brian in a chokehold, and well…afterward, he invited me along this morning. I think he’s doing it to be kind.

Molly:KIND? Stop it. No man invites someone along on a road trip to be KIND. Road trips can be the worst. He wouldn’t subject himself to you for two hours if he didn’t like you.

Guilt settles in my stomach; I never told her about yesterday morning—how Duke and I fooled around while we were both half asleep and got each other off for funsies because I don’t need a lecture.

Molly:So you’re with him right now?

Me:Yes, we just stopped for coffee and breakfast sandwiches. He got a croissant and a breakfast burrito, and I got a sausage and egg muffin.


“What’s got you over there smilin’?” Duke asks, and I forgot that I’ve been ignoring him for the past five minutes.

“It’s Molly. She invited me to brunch.”

He grunts with a nod, eyes fixated on the road.

Me:I know, I was messing with you.

Molly:So that’s it—the two of you are going to Madison to see his brothers, and then what?

Me:I don’t know—we come home?

Molly:You’re going there and coming back all in the same day??

Me:I’m guessing? We haven’t talked about it, but I assume we’re coming back. It’s not like Madison is the moon. It’s only two and a half hours.

Molly:That’s a long day…

It is a long day.

Me:I’ll let you know how it goes. We still have an hour and 45 minutes to go.

Molly:I still don’t understand why you’re going with him. I mean, yes, he had your back last night, but that still makes no sense to me either.

I also haven’t told her about the times I’ve scared him. And how much fun I had at the grocery store, even though we argued most of the time. Or how I caught him in the hammock reading one of my romance novels as if it were no big deal and he was enjoying it. Or how funny he looked digging that cake out of the garbage and stuffing chunks of it in his mouth.

Or how he looks when he’s dripping wet from the shower.

Yeah, no—haven’t mentioned the shower.

Me:Much as I hate to admit it, it’s been fun having him around. Might even miss him when he’s gone.

Molly:They get under your skin, don’t they…
