Page 58 of L.O.V.E

The first tear fell when I spied the shuttle down the street. The next fell when his footsteps retreated. I straightened my spine, sucked up the emotion, and tamped that shit down tight, low in my gut, where it would be sure to fester and poison me later. But that was fine, because I was not going to lose my shit in public over a man I had no right falling for in the first place.

I poured water out of my bottle into the soil of my neglected peace lily, its leaves sad and droopy, much like that stupid organ in my chest.

“How are you feeling?” I forced a smile, though Lacey couldn’t see me through the phone.

“Oh, aside from not being able to eat and dry heaving at everything I smell, I’m doing great.”

“Are you all moved out?”


My heart sank. I’d miss having Lacey in the same building. Sure, she was only moving to the other side of town, but that eight miles seemed a continent.

“Martin, Ellis, and Cole did all the work. I sat with my feet up.”

“Like the queen you are.” I meant every word.

My boss appeared in my doorway, her eyes dancing with mirth. “Have a minute?”

“I’ll call you tonight, Lacey.”

“Of course. Bye, Nat Brat.”

I shoved my cell into my desk drawer. “Hi, Janet. Did you get the lead I sent over?”

Janet nodded. “That’s a big fish. Be great to land that client.” She came through the door, followed by a tall man wearing a gray suit and a boyish grin. “Natalie, this is Mr. Griffin.”

Mr. Griffin offered a warm, firm handshake, his blue eyes sizzling.

“Nice to meet you.” I gestured for them to sit and waited before settling into my chair. “What can I help you with, Mr. Griffin?”

The man studied me for a moment, still wearing that grin. He leaned forward, resting elbows to knees, his jacket pulling tight around broad shoulders and solid arms. “Please, call me Caleb.”

The room darkened, shrinking, narrowing to the small space surrounding me andCaleb.Suddenly, everything was off balance, tilted, wonky but thrilling, too, like a ride on a rusty carnival coaster.

Caleb. Caleb. Caleb.

Your soulmate, Mom’s voice rang in my ears.

“Of course. What can I help you with Mr. Grif—I mean, Caleb?” God, the name I’d heard all my life tingled my tongue. The man was a looker, thank the Heavens. He wore his golden hair in a pompadour, smooth and slicked back, had a meticulously trimmed beard, and if I had to guess, I’d place him mid-thirties.

Janet leaned back, crossed her legs, and folded her hands on her lap, giving Caleb full run of the conversation.

“I’ll cut right to the chase. There’s an opening in our Whisper Springs branch. Several high-profile clients. The team is small, but we’d like you to join the Corporate Accounts division.”

Caleb’s lips moved, but the words ceased to register, the heady weight of his gaze throwing me off balance.

Blah, blah, blah…client approval rating.


Blah, blah, blah…yearly increase in margins.


Blah, blah, blah…substantial growth.
