Page 48 of L.O.V.E

“I’m gonna be an auntie?”

Lacey squeezed my fingers. “Best auntie ever.”

“Lacey.” Tears welled. “Lacey, this is crazy.”

“I know, right? Proposed to, caught in a gang shooting, nearly trampled to death, and impregnated all in the same month.”

“How did Ellis handle the news?”

“He wants to get married as soon as possible. Maybe a Vegas wedding next month. Or as soon as we can coordinate everyone’s schedules.”

“This is really happening, isn’t it?”


It was too soon. “He’s a very lucky man.”

“Nat Brat, you have to be there. You just have to. I can’t imagine doing this without you. If you can’t get time off, we’ll wait, but—”

I climbed into her bed and wrapped her in a full body hug. “I’ll be there. I’ll be there. Of course, I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Miss what?” came Cole’s gruff voice, sending my heart racing.

I raised my head off Lacey’s chest to find Cole, Martin, and a sheepish looking Victoria standing just inside the doorway, each holding a bouquet of flowers for my crippled, bruised, and newly knocked-up friend.

“Do they know?” I whispered, hiding our faces behind my hair.

Ellis barreled through the crowd, taking up half of Lacey’s room, then piled on top of me hugging us both. “I’m gonna be a daddy.” He kissed my cheek, then hers. “And we’re heading to Vegas so I can make an honest woman of my lady.”

Martin’s face lit up, and he made a move to tackle his friend. For as large as he was, Ellis moved like a gazelle, springing to action, hugging his friend away from Lacey’s injuries.

Victoria stared at the floor.

Cole stared at his buddies, blinking his eyes. I could swear he was fighting tears but, damn, his dimples were tuned to megawatt. His feet shifted on the hardwood before he came our way, then bent to drop the sweetest kiss on Lacey’s forehead. “Congratulations, beautiful. You’re going to be a great mom.”

He was so close I could taste his breath—coffee and caramel. So tender with her, I swooned. So dreamy, I sighed.

Oh, shit.

I bolted to the sitting position. Cole’s gaze sliced right through me, quick and razor sharp, on his way to join in the man hugs with his buddies. As much as I wanted to stay with Lacey and cry, hug, and celebrate, I could not share that stifling space with Martin, Cole, and especially Victoria.

“I’m gonna head out.” I lifted Lacey’s shirt and dropped a kiss on her belly. “Bye, baby. Can’t wait to meet you.”

Her long fingers raked through my hair. “We’ll talk tomorrow?”

“Of course.” I kissed her nose.

“Bye, Nat Brat.”

“Bye, Lulu.”

“Hey, Victoria.” I offered a pathetic wave as I passed.

I couldn’t hear if she responded, my traitorous heartbeat deafening, the need to flee hurrying my pace.

I made it to the hallway and halfway to the elevator when a hand wrapped around my arm. “Hey, Nats, can we talk?”

My chest deflated, a slow leak. “It’s Natalie,” I reminded him. “And I have to get home.”