Page 35 of L.O.V.E

“Nothing. Never mind.”

I checked my clock for the fifth time, then curled my hand around the beer glass, giving it a swirl, the dancing foam a flimsy distraction from my swelling aggravation. Wasn’t like Victoria to be late.

“Seriously?” A voice floated over my shoulder. “I see you everywhere. My coffee shop, my favorite restaurant, my bar.”

“My gym,” I added, trying not to smile.

Ouch. Her laugh pinched my chest.

I turned to face Natalie, my breath catching. She wore a black dress, tight around her chest, but falling loose to just above her knees, and black heels that— Fuck, I was staring again.

“Like it’s fate or something,” I joked, though humor eluded me.

“Why’re you pouting into your beer alone?” Ellis clapped my back, then claimed the empty stool next to mine, and I wondered what the hell was happening.

“Hi, Cole.” Lacey came around Natalie, dropped a kiss on my cheek. “I thought you weren’t able to join us tonight,” she said, sliding between Ellis’s knees.

“I wasn’t. I mean,weweren’t. Vic wanted a night alone. Said she read about this place. Wanted to meet here.”

Of all the bars in all of King County, she’d picked the very same one Natalie was at. Just my fucking luck.

“Imagine that,” Natalie mumbled, then shimmied onto the barstool next to Ellis, effectively putting a mountain between us. Good play. I was in no mood to banter with the temptress.

“Where’s Martin?” came out gruff.

“On his way,” Ellis said, gesturing to the bartender.

I turned back to my beer, catching sight of Natalie through the mirror behind the bar. The blue lighting in the dark space amplified the silver shimmer in her eyes. My chest beat something fierce. The room blurred, then snapped back into focus, making my head spin, desire and guilt a nauseating cocktail.

Minutes passed, slow and soggy, drenched with stolen glances and forced restraint. Drinks were bought. Conversation shared. We moved from the bar to a table. I switched to hard liquor.

I called Victoria. She didn’t answer.

Martin arrived twenty minutes after we’d been seated. We said our hellos. He embraced Natalie, moved in for a kiss, but she gave him her cheek. Her rejection made me happy, and a fucking bastard.

Victoria arrived ten minutes later. Relief washed through me, and I stood to greet her. She sauntered my way, her killer curves and hungry smile all for me.

When she caught sight of the table, she faltered in her red heels, but righted herself before anyone who didn’t know her tells could notice. Shoulders back, chin high, she greeted everyone, hugging my brothers but only acknowledging the other ladies. I waited for her to sit, settled into my chair, and kissed her neck, then whispered, “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”

Her shoulders relaxed. I kissed her again. Inhaled. “New perfume?”


“You smell different.”

Hands trembling, she cupped my jaw, pulling us face to face, mouth to mouth. She laughed. “Martin’s cologne. He hugged me. Now I’ll reek of him all night.”

“Ellis and I have told him a million times to tone it down. The guy doesn’t get it.”

When we kissed, my stomach settled. “I want you to myself. Let’s get our own table.”

“No. That would be rude. We’ll have a few drinks, then you can take me home. I bought something special for you.”

“Yeah?” I leaned in for another nibble of those lips I rarely tasted.

“Mmhmm.” She put a finger to my mouth. “But you’ll have to get me naked to find it.”

Jesus, how long had it been since I’d sunk between those creamy thighs? “I’ve had enough to drink. Let’s go now.”