Page 28 of L.O.V.E

“You’re mad.”

Duh. “I’ll be fine.” Hook the bra. Shirt next. “This works out great, actually. I’ve got a super busy weekend planned, and now I don’t have to worry about juggling my time.” I shoved my feet into my Uggs, snagged my handbag off the coffee table, and made my way to the door.

Martin stopped me, palm to the wood, towering above me, worried eyes meeting mine. “What kind of plans?”

“Girl stuff.”

A strong hand curled around my neck, thumb caressing. “I’m sorry, baby.”

He didn’t get to call me baby.Babywas a term of endearment reserved for lovers. Soft and slow, I gripped his wrist and pulled his arm away from me. “No need to be sorry. It’s your job. I understand.” I gave his shoulder a quick rub. “Fly safe.”

Martin leaned in for a kiss. I slid to the left, slipped through the door, and threw over my shoulder, “Good night. See ya’ around.”

I loved Barolo. Two bottles resided in my wine rack at all times, for special occasions such as finding myself alone on a Friday evening after almost getting ravished by a handsome redhead with a killer body but sent on my merry way. Whatever.

I had wine. I had aRay Donovanmarathon. I had my comfy couch.

Two episodes and one and a half glasses of wine behind me, my phone buzzed under my left butt cheek. Took some finagling, but I managed to untangle myself from my throw blanket and find my cell.


“I hear you’ll be a swinging single tomorrow evening.”

Every nerve in my body tingled, his rich voice like a verbal massage, hitting all my erogenous zones.

“He told you?”

“Cried like a baby. Said he had to go out of town and you were upset.”

“I’m not.” Irritated would better describe my mood.

A heated pause. “Does it bother you, Martin going out of town all the time?”

“No,” I answered, not entirely dishonest. “I really do enjoy my alone time.”

“So why did he call me, worried he’d ruined things with you?”

I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Cole had called me. Cole the uber-rich guy. Cole the most beautiful man alive. Cole the fiancé of my nemesis. Cole, who was under my skin and grating my nerves. “None of my comings and goings with Martin are any of your business.” I should have ended there, but Barolo. “Especially the lack of coming, due to that workaholic taking a fucking phone call in the middle of getting busy on his kitchen counter.”

Long, uncomfortable silence passed. Enough time for Ray Donavan to put a bullet through a priest’s head.

Cole blew a hard breath through the speaker. “He left you hanging?”

“He left me hanging.”

“The fuck’s wrong with that guy?” Two more heavy breaths. “On behalf of my douchebag best friend, and men everywhere, I apologize.”

“Not necessary.” I pointed the remote at my flat screen and pushedPause. “Cole.”


My phone buzzed in my hand, alerting me to incoming texts. I ignored them. “How did you get my number?”


Shamefully, I wasn’t upset that Cole had my digits. “Why are you calling me?”

He huffed a nervous laugh. “He wanted me to check on you.”