Page 24 of L.O.V.E

Of course, she did. While I was too drunk to pay attention. “I’ll call ahead and make sure the condo is stocked.”

“You’re the best, sweetheart.”

I wasn’t. But I would be better because my future wife deserved the best version of me. “Be safe today. They’re predicting snow.”

“We will.” She sighed. “Gotta go.”


“Yeah, babe?”

“Love you.”

“You, too. See you tomorrow.”

The call ended. My phone made a disappointing sound as it crashed into the wall and landed on my shoe. I must’ve kicked them off last night, as one sat wonky against the wall, the other under the side table.

I had a good relationship with my future in-laws, but Victoria was always hesitant about sharing them. Didn’t make sense.

The last thing I wanted was to be stuck alone with my thoughts. Options limited, I fired up the flat screen and settled into a mind-numbing click, click, click.

When I passed a black and white clip, I paused. A familiar tune passed through the speakers. “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole. My heart raced. Head pounded. Thoughts of Natalie danced through my aching skull.

Two more bars into that wretched song, I hit thePower Offbutton and tossed the remote.


God was testing me. Had to be.

I was not in love with Natalie. I couldn’t even be inlike. I didn’t know the woman.

Her smile was a ruse.

Her laugh a curse.

Her skin a guise.

Her eyes a seduction.

A test.

And I was fucking failing.

I wouldn’t fail. I was engaged. I was committed to Victoria.


“Wow. You’re everywhere, aren’t you?”

I stopped cold. Shivered at the tone. Turned.

Cole sat at the corner table, black thermal hugging his strong arms, dark jeans encasing his thick thighs, well-worn boots on his feet. Half-finished plate in front of him. Dimples on full display.

For the love of God, I needed a distraction.

My heart skipped a beat when I forced my gaze to his plate and spied the strips of steak. “Crying Tiger. Good choice. One of my favorites.”

Dropping his fork to his plate, he asked, “You know what this is?”