He belonged in my kitchen. My bed. My home.
God, how I wanted to keep him there forever, crawl on hands and knees and beg him to stay.
He sang along, messing up the lyrics. I laughed, making him jump.
The smile that greeted me was a heady mix of boyish charm, pure adoration, and a warning—full body collision in three, two, one. Oh, sweet Jesus, his hug was covetous, his kiss an awakening.
“One for the road?” His voice oozed sex.
“Please. Yes.”
He fucked me on my kitchen counter, fast and furious, desperate and unrelenting.
We showered. We dressed. Cole packed his suitcase while I watched from my corner of the bed.
“You’re going back to work tomorrow?” He smoothed his hands over the folded clothes, then turned face me.
I nodded.
“Against doctor’s orders?”
“I can’t stay on top of my game if I’m lounging around my damn apartment all day.”
“I respect your drive, sunshine, but your health is more important than any job.” He raked a hand through his hair and looked around the room. “I think that’s everything.”
The ache was bone deep. I hated goodbyes. “Truth?”
His gaze sliced to mine. “Always.”
I picked at a thread on my bedspread. “I’d rather go to work than be here alone.”
His chest sagged. He slammed the suitcase shut. “Natalie.”
Shit. My lashes were wet.
“Look at me.”
I did.
“We’re gonna figure this out. I promise. There isn’t another option right now. If I could stay, I’d stay. But I have a company to run. Soon, I’ll have two companies to run. And I would never ask you to leave your job.”
He didn’t need to ask. I’d already chosen. I just had to get my ducks in a row before telling him so.
“I know,” came out on a sob. “I love that about you.”
“We’ll work hard during the week. Fuck hard on the weekends. We’ll have to get creative with the phone sex, but I love a challenge.”
Oh, God. The dimples. “Me, too.”
“Do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
He smirked. “Take off your shirt.”
I obeyed.
“Your pants, too.”