Page 110 of L.O.V.E

“Okay, beautiful lady.” Rocky winked, then pulled his lower lip between his teeth and scribbled on the pad.

“Rocky. Cool name.” Cole offered his hand. “I’m Cole.”

Rocky tucked the notepad under his arm and gripped Cole’s fingers, giving him a hard shake. “Rocky James Mason Rossi.”

“Rossi, huh? Are you the boss around here?” Cole scratched the stubble on his chin.

“No, my dad is.” Rocky leaned close, lowered his voice. “At least that’s what he says. But he pretty much does whatever Mom tells him.”

Cole laughed and, sweet Lord, there was no better sound.

“Your dad happen to be here?”

“He’s in the office with Mom. They’re probably kissing and stuff.” Rocky scowled. “Nasty.”

“Gross.” Cole scrunched his nose.

Seriously. That man. What was he up to?

“Yesterday they forgot to lock the door and I—”

“Rockster, did you steal your mom’s notepad again?” came a booming voice from the kitchen.

“Uh. Oh.” Rocky dashed away, ducking behind the counter.

The double doors in the back of the dining room swung open, and a tall drink of water barreled through, scanned the area, then stopped cold, a bright smiling lighting his handsome features. “Jesus H Christ. Cole Adams. In the flesh. I thought we weren’t meeting until noon.”

I looked at Cole, who was already on his feet.

“Tango Rossi.” The men embraced with hard slaps to the back.

Cole turned to face me. “Tango, this is my girlfriend—”

“Natalie.” Tango cut him off and came my way, offering his hand. “Good morning.”

“Morning, Tango.”

Brows pinched, Cole’s gaze bounced between me and Tango. “How do you know each other?”

“I eat breakfast here at least twice a week,” I said, then added, “and I’m good friends with his wife.”

“Small fucking world.” Tango’s smile was infectious.

“I’d say it was fate,” Cole teased, shooting me a wink.

My brain reeled. “How do you two know each other?” I asked, pointing between the two large, blindingly beautiful men.

“Went to school together, back East.” Cole clapped Tango’s shoulder. “This guy kicked my ass in the ring more than once.”

“Our fathers have partnered on a few projects,” Tango threw in.

Missing pieces clicked into place. “Rossi Enterprises owns my building. That’s how you found me, isn’t it?”

They exchanged glances.

“And that’s how you got past security.”

Cole cleared his throat.