“You seem distracted.”
I pretended to be interested in a passing BMW. “Meeting my dad for lunch.”
“Oh.” She shoved her hands into the front pocket of her jeans. “That a bad thing?”
“No. Why?”
A shrug. “Like I said, you seem distracted.”
She had no right to care. She had no fucking right to be concerned for my emotional wellness. I was such a bastard for liking that she’d asked. I had to end the poison between us.
“Natalie. Look, here’s the thing. You and Victoria share a past. I don’t know what happened. But there’s tension whenever the two of you are in a room together. She’s going to be my wife. I have to have her back. Be in her corner. Understand?”
My gut tightened when she stumbled back a step.
Gaze dropped to the ground, she mumbled, “Sure. Sure, I get it. Being friendly with me feels like you’re betraying her.”
She scratched her forehead. Angry eyes lifted to meet mine. “So when we bump into each other, like we seemed cursed to do, should I pretend like I don’t know you?”
Cursedwas a little harsh. “That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Really?” Her right brow lifted.
Aw, shit. The woman was pissed.
“So what should I do exactly? Pretend I don’t see you and keep on walking? Or maybe I should forget the years of torture, the four years of therapy, and next time we’re all in a room together give Victoria a big ol’ bearhug, thank her for the scars I wear, inside and out. Let her off the hook. Is that what I should do, so that life can be more comfortable for you?”
“She’s trying.”
Stepping closer, she pounded a pointed finger into her chest. “I’m trying, too, for Lacey.”
“You wanted to know why I’m distracted. I answered.” God, I was an ass.
“I’m the reason you’re distracted? Me?” Hands to hips, she stepped closer, raising her chin in challenge. “We agreed to be friends. I’m being friendly.”
“Maybe I can’t—”
“Cole.” Dad cut me off, his large arm coming around my shoulder.
I hadn’t noticed his approach. I stepped away from the fiery woman. She stood her ground.
“Who’s the lovely lady?” my father asked.
“Dad, this is Natalie King. Martin’s girlfriend.”
“King?” Dad offered his hand. “Any relation to Joe King?”
Natalie gave him a firm shake and a genuine smile. “That’s my uncle. You know him?”
“He’s the only man I trust with my finances.”
“Wow. Small world.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, nice to meet you.”
“You, too.” Dad shot me a glance, then asked, “Why don’t you join us for lunch?”
“Oh. Thank you, really, but I have an appointment.” She pointed across the street.