I fell to my knees at her side, desperate to hold her, screaming for help. I fumbled for my phone and dialed 911.
A male voice answered. I couldn’t form a coherent word.
People surrounded us.
A man dropped to his knees near her head.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” I shoved him away. “I don’t know if she was hit or not.”
The 911 operator continued talking. I shoved my phone into the guy’s hand. “Give them the address.”
My vision blurred, heat prickling my eyes. I crawled over her body, shielding, assessing. “Baby. Natalie. Sweetheart.”
Her chest rose and fell.
“I’m here. I’m right here. Don’t try to move.” If I lost her, I’d rip everyone in that goddamn town to shreds.
“Please, baby. Please be okay. I love you. I love you so goddamn much. Please be okay,” I pleaded, my knees, my hands, stained with her blood.
“What the fuck happened?” the man at my side asked.
I watched her chest for signs of distress. Her breaths were steady.
“Oh, God!” A woman screamed, “Is that Natalie?”
Natalie’s chest continued to rise and fall. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
“Good girl. Keep breathing. Please be okay.”
“Cole?” A moan escaped her lips.
A sob escaped mine.
I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’m right here. Don’t try to move. Wait for the ambulance.”
“My head hurts,” she mumbled, her speech slurred.
“You’re bleeding a little bit. Don’t move.”
“What happened?”
“Some fucker tried to run you down.”
“Oh,” she whispered, her voice weak.
Light as I could manage, I brushed hair off her face, away from her eyes and mouth. Her lips were bloody, and my stomach revolted at what that could mean.
“You’re gonna be fine, though. Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”
“Cole?” She coughed, more blood trickling from her mouth.
I pinched my eyes tight, fighting the emotion, then met her sleepy gaze. “Yeah, baby?”
“Will you marry me?”
Never in my life had I cried in public. Rarely in private. But there on the dirty ground, surrounded by complete strangers, I cried and half laughed at her ridiculous timing.
“It’s not funny. I’m serious. Will you marry me?” She smiled a morbid, bloody smile.