“If you need anything…anything at all, I’ve got you. Don’t ever hesitate to call.”
“You’ve done so much already.”
“That’s what I do. That’s what we do here. Got me?”
“Thank you doesn’t seem adequate.”
“Knowing she’s going to grow up right is all the thanks we need.”
“Well,” Lettie started as she came around the corner. “Are we ready?”
I pulled Tito into a tight embrace. Kissed his cheek, then made my way around the room, saying my goodbyes.
Mim and Rocky slid into the back seat of Lettie’s truck. We rolled away from the property. I searched for Dane, then tucked that pain away while we headed for the airport, doing my damnedest to ignore my broken heart.
“YOU HIDING IN HERE?” A booted foot tapped my ankle.
Had it been any other voice interrupting my quietude, as I lay on the cool floor under the old beater, I’d have let the profanities loose. Instead, I grunted, “Nah. Just working.”
A loud exhale. “S’pose you’re fixing to leave soon, too.”
“Soon as we’re finished with this engine.”
James squatted. I couldn’t see his face from my position under the truck, but I felt his glare, sensed his hesitation before he said, “Listen. Dane. It’s none of my business, but I reckon a guy like you hasn’t had much in the way of stability.”
“You’re right. None of your business.”
He huffed. “You’ve got something stable here, if you want it.”
“Don’t need charity, Mr. Slade. I was here for the girl.” Girls. God damn those girls.
“And Rocky? What about him? Doesn’t go unnoticed the way you track his every move.”
Fucker had to go there. “He’s an interesting kid.”
“He’s your only living relative. You okay leaving him behind?”
What the hell was the old geezer’s problem? “He doesn’t know who I am, and it has to stay that way.”
“You saved his life.”
“I killed his mother.”
“You didn’t kill her.”
“I didn’t stop them.”
“But you would’ve, given the choice.” There was no question in his statement, only certainty.
“You don’t know that.” I dropped the nut splitter and growled, “You don’t know shit about me.”
“You saved Rocky. Saved my daughter on more than one occasion. Rescued Mim. I know enough.”
“What is it with you people?” I scooted out from under the Ford, and, still on my back, pointed a finger in the man’s face. “I’ve put to ground more than a few deserving pricks in my life. I have a criminal record longer than the interstate. Yet, every one of you looks at me like I’m a God damned fallen hero who needs saving.”
James face reddened. His lips pinched tight.