Page 98 of Truck Stop Titan

The second she disappeared behind the door, I jumped into Dane’s arms, hooked my ankles around his hips, and kissed him hard. “We have time for a quickie?”

Dane spun, slammed me against the truck and cupped my ass, grinding against me. “Can’t fuck you in here, gorgeous. Not unless you want Tito to watch.” He nodded toward the ceiling.

I followed his gaze to the camera perched in the corner.

“Well. That’s unfortunate.” I cinched my legs tighter around his hips. “I missed you today.”


“Oh, yeah.” I sucked his bottom lip between my teeth, gave it a nip. “Had to take an extra-long break, take care of myself in the ladies’ room.”

“You sadistic little tease,” he half-moaned, half-whispered.

“What can I say, you bring out the bad in me.”

# # #

The sun’s rays beat viciously on my head, warning me to find cover, but I sat on the park bench regardless, enjoying the squeals of children playing in the sand, the colorful array of swimsuits and flotation devices on the shore, the water-skiers in the distance, and the vast, blue sky.

I loved working so close to the city beach. The bustling park had become my favorite place to take my lunch breaks.

“Mind if I join you?”

The rough voice made me jump. I turned to find Dane’s friend from the diner standing next to me, wearing a leather vest full of colorful patches, and a scowl that made me shiver, despite the heat.

Before I could answer, the large man made himself comfortable next to me, forcing me to scoot to the end of the bench. “Moriah, right?”

“Yes.” Out of habit, I offered my hand. “Hammer, was it?”

“That’s me.” His grip was strong, and he held me longer than comfortable.

I reclaimed my hand. My body coiled, the compulsion to flee coursing through me. I forced calm into my voice and asked, “Are you in town to see Dane?”

He shook his head, gaze aimed across the lake. “Here on business. Come to the beach every time I pass through.”

“Dane know you’re here?”


“Hungry?” I grabbed the other half of my turkey and Swiss and passed it over.

He snatched the bread from my fingers. Took a bite. “Thanks.” He caught sight of two bicycle cops and waited for them to pass before asking, “So, you’re the kid’s aunt?”

Nodding, I said, “Her name’s Mim.”

“Mim.” He laughed, taking another bite of sandwich. “Mickey and Mim. That’s funny.”

Ice filled my veins. “You knew Mickey?”

He gave me a quick glance, then watched two teenagers in bikinis come out of the water. “Yeah. Met her in rehab.” He shoved the last bite into his mouth, chewed, swallowed. “She was trying. Real hard. Wanted to get clean, do right by her kid.”

My throat closed tight. “You were in rehab together?”

“Coupla times.” He licked his lips, gaze still focused on the sun-kissed, barely dressed, underaged girls.

“Were you and Mick…um…close?”

His attention shot my way again. “Why do you ask? She ever talk about me?”