Page 48 of Truck Stop Titan

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.” I was, for the first time in a long time, and suddenly so much joy filled my heart I feared I would burst.

I had no right touching the man I hardly knew, but there was no stopping the crazy. I threw my arms around his waist and squeezed. “You guys are so nice to me, and I’m so grateful, and happy, and these past weeks have been too much, and…” Oh God. The tears again.

Tango wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and gave me the ol’ there, there. Oh, how I needed that hug. But wow, how I wished the arms around me belonged to the man who’d tortured three orgasms from me mere hours before.

We lingered in our awkward embrace for too long, only breaking apart when a throat cleared.

A voice full of jagged glass came over my shoulder, angry, and on the verge of violent. “Slade know you’re rubbing all over other ladies, Pretty Boy?”

Tango’s arms constricted, holding me in place, more protective than possessive. “Fuck off, Dane.”

“I’ll fuck off when you get your hands off my girl.”

“Your girl?” I squeaked, stumbling back a step.

Tango dropped his arm, releasing me. “The fuck?”

Dane was furious. Red-faced. Eyes dark as death. Hands fisted at his sides. His jaw clenched tight, every vein and sinew in his neck bulging.

He avoided my gaze, staring over my head at Tango, as if assessing the most efficient way to kill the competition. Clearly, those two had history. Although I was curious, I wanted no part in whatever was about to happen.

His girl? Seriously?

Didn’t matter. The kids could return any moment, and the last thing they needed to see was two grown men acting like teenagers.

I shoved a palm into Dane’s torso. “Get out.”

His feet didn’t budge, but his chest rose and fell in short, sharp jerks.

I pinched his nipple through his shirt and twisted hard until he aimed his glare my way. “Go cool off somewhere.”

He looked down at my offending hand.

“You want Mim to see you like this?”

Swear to the good Lord above, his mountain of muscles caved under my palm. He shot another glance at Tango, then shook his head, shrugged away from my touch, and stormed out of the room.

Tango raked his fingers through his thick hair. “Wanna tell me what that was—”

“Nope. No. None of your business.”

“None of my business?” He pointed down the empty hallway. “He damn near ripped my head off.”

True. “Wanna tell me why there’s so much tension between the two of you?”


“Then we’re done talking.”

“Moriah. Listen.” He scratched the back of his head. His glare dropping to the floor, then bouncing back to me. “Dane is, uh…well, he’s um…”

I threw up a hand to stop his rant. “Doesn’t matter. Does. Not. Matter. I’m leaving tomorrow. Dane and I will never see each other again. So, that’s that.”

“Okay. Yeah. Well.” Holding the trash bag high, he announced, “I’m gonna dump this. Meet you outside?”


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