“Really? she purred, rolling her hips, driving me mad. “You wanna talk right now?”
Fuck. I did. What was this woman doing to me? “Yeah. Talk to me.”
“Okay,” she conceded, fingers combing my beard in a nervous tick. She searched my face, then sighed. “I don’t like rough sex, if that’s what you think. I’m not into kink or anything. It’s just. Well. When you take me like you did those first two nights, when we thought it would be our only time together, it was raw, and wild, and unapologetic. Just two people needing each other. Taking, giving. No expectations. I didn’t worry about how I looked, or if my breasts were too small, my thighs too big, did my breath stink, did I remember to shave? You know. All those things that get in women’s heads when we’re doing it.”
Doing it? Christ, could the woman be any cuter. “You mean fucking,” I interrupted.
She laughed. “Yeah, that.”
I slapped her ass. “Jesus, babe. Just say it. Fucking.”
“Okay. Fucking.” She emphasized the F.
“You’re so effin’ beautiful when you talk dirty.”
That earned me another sweet fucking laugh that hit me straight in the gut.
“Anyway. What I’m trying to say is that when you’re unleashed, like you can’t get enough, I feel wanted and desirable, all the self-doubt gets pushed out of the way. I can enjoy sex like it’s meant to be enjoyed. Does that make sense?”
A few months ago, I would’ve saidno. Hell, before Moriah, if a woman tried to get personal while I banged her, I’d have sent her packing, blue balls or not.
“Gotta be honest. I hear you, but I can’t sympathize. I’m a guy. A woman wants to fuck, that’s all the encouragement we need.”
Moriah slumped, her cheeks turning a gorgeous shade of crimson.
I pulled her closer and claimed her mouth before continuing. “Listen close. After that first night? I was done for. Couldn’t get you out of my head, much less imagine touching another woman, ever.”
Bright eyes lifted to mine, shimmering with emotion that cemented us together.
“I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you. You hear me? Hard fucking or not, bad breath and hairy legs, or not, know that you’re wanted.”
I reached between our joined bodies and dragged a finger up and down her wet slit, landing on that hard nub, then rubbing in a slow tease. “Now that my baby is growing inside you? Fuck, gorgeous, I’m way past want. I’m borderline obsessed. That’s why I was taking it slow. I’m so fucking out of my mind, I’m afraid of losing control.”
“Do it, Dane. Oh, God. Please, lose control,” she moaned, her teeth sinking into my earlobe.
Shit. I’d never been so hard in my life. No way was Moriah topping me. She’d given the green light. My engine hit full throttle.
I flipped us around, spread her wide, anddidher like she wanted. Hard.
Sated and sweaty, I collapsed at her side, then tucked her against me, my gorgeous. My everything. I stared into the dark, Moriah’s soft breaths warming my chest, her sweaty skin pressed against mine. The weight of a thousand new worries molded me to the mattress.
Me. Dane Reynolds, a dad. Responsible for three new lives. What if I failed them like I’d failed Addy? Fuck. No. Never again. I’d die for my girls. I’d tear anyone apart who tried to hurt my family.
Fuck. My family.Myfucking family.
My chest inflated, the pressure painful. The backs of my eyes burned, and when the first pansy-ass tear rolled down my cheek, I’d never felt more a man.
# # #
The bed shook. I rolled over, my limbs heavy, trapped halfway between dreamland and reality.
“Dane!” Moriah shouted. Something soft hit my face. My shirt.
I bolted upright, nerves tingling. Light flooded the room.
“We’ll be right there!” She tossed her phone onto the bed. “Ohgodohgodohgod,” she mumbled, tugging a pair of pants over her hips.