No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Will was in action. It was fast and she did what she could to help him get her jeans and top off, but the panties were all his and it was the most exciting moment of her life when he tore them off and then tossed them over his shoulder.
When he dove back in to kiss her again, all Arianna could think of was how this man was perfect for her.
And not just for his epic truth or dare skills.
“I think that’s the last of it,” Will said as he dropped several shopping bags on the floor. It was one in the morning and Arianna was determined to unpack everything she purchased tonight before agreeing to go over to his place and crawling into his spectacular new bed.
“Ooh…the pillows!” She walked over and took each one of the bags and then lined them up along one of the walls in the living room. “This is where the sofa is going when it comes on Tuesday. It’s not as nice as the one you got, but kind of similar. And pink.”
She nodded. “Yeah, a really soft pink. It was too pretty not to get.”
Note to self, maybe we can watch TV at my place.
“I think I’m going to hit up HomeGoods after work on Monday to try to find some pretty lamps for here and the bedroom. I find all kinds of funky and fabulous stuff when I shop there.”
“So why don’t we just go tomorrow after we go back to look at the closet stuff?”
Walking up to him, she gently patted his cheek. “Oh, sweetie, you do not want to get sucked into a HomeGoods shopping trip with me. I’ve been known to spend entire afternoons in there. You’d be bored silly.”
Just the imagery made him chuckle. “I’ll just take your word for it.”
“Smart man.”
He captured her wrist and held on before she could move away. “We’ve unpacked everything, we’ve christened yourbedroom and kitchen, and had dinner. How about we go across the hall and break in my bed and then get some sleep?”
She immediately yawned and then giggled. “I guess it is a little late.”
Nodding, he kissed her palm. “C’mon. Let’s go to bed. There will be plenty more to unpack tomorrow after another shopping marathon.”
“You have no idea how much time I saved us by doing so much of it online.”
“And yet we still spent almost the same exact amount of time on you today as we did on me last weekend.”
They locked up her apartment and stepped across the hall into his. “Maybe I just enjoy shopping with you,” she said with a sassy wink before she walked up the stairs to his loft.
For a moment, he simply stood and watched the sexy sway of her hips in her adorable boxer shorts. She was going to be the death of him in more ways than one, but he would die a happy man. Just thinking about how wild they’d been for each other earlier was enough to make him hard. Never in his life had he been tempted to pull a car over for sex like he’d been on their way home. From the first time he laid eyes on her, Will knew he wanted her. And every time they were together—whether it was just hanging out or texting, talking, or shopping—he wanted her more and more.
“Will?” she called out playfully, and then her boxers hit him in the head, followed by the t-shirt she’d been wearing.
That meant…
He took the steps two at a time again and found her gloriously naked and yet strategically covered by one of his pillows in the middle of his bed.
Naked photography was also something he never thought he’d be interested in, but right now Arianna looked like the sexiest centerfold model he’d ever seen.
I must have done something right in this life to deserve this…
Slowly, he got undressed before joining her on the bed and for a few minutes, they lay on their sides facing each other, completely naked, as if it were the most natural thing in the world—which, considering all the things they’d done together tonight alone, it was. Even so, Will just knew he’d never felt this at ease with any other woman and rather than immediately pounce again, he wanted to savor the intimacy of this moment.
“You’re looking a little intense right now,” Arianna quietly said as she caressed his jaw. “What are you thinking?”
“This feels good,” he said gruffly, holding her hand to his face. “It feels right. Just being here with you like this.”
She blushed as she ducked her head a bit, and he thought she was beautifully adorable. “I think so too,” she said when she looked up again.
He was about to add how he wished they didn’t have to have these stolen moments that were beginning to feel like dirty weekends, but that was a conversation for another time. If they only were allowed these stolen moments for the time being, he wanted to savor them and enjoy every minute they had together.