“Truth or dare?”
She giggled. “It’s too late for me to get up and sing, and the lights are out so you can’t see if I can wink with both eyes, so…truth.”
“You can wink with both eyes?”
That just made her laugh more. “I promise to show you tomorrow.” Pausing, she shifted slightly beside him. “So? What’s your question?”
“How would you feel about moving in here with me until we find a place of our own?”
She instantly moved away from him and turned her lamp on. “What?”
“Um…yeah. So I was thinking how silly it is for you to be paying rent on a place you’re hardly at,” he stammered. “Maybe it’s too soon, but…”
“Oh, wow, Will…that’s a big step. Is it…do you think it’s too soon?”
“Seriously? Our relationship has been untraditional from the start. Why be normal now?”
“Mmm…good point.” She paused and seemed to consider it. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out of my lease. I’ll have to talk to Marissa about it.”
“Not Patrick?”
“Hell no. I’d never hear the end of it. She’ll know how to handle it.”
“So…is that a yes?”
She smiled at him and nodded. “Actually, that’s a hell yes!”
He reached out for her, but she was already turning away to shut off the light. The next thing he knew, she was sprawled out on top of him and kissing him senseless.
“I think we need to celebrate, don’t you?” she asked between kisses.
Will’s hands rested on her bottom and gave her a gentle squeeze. He’d take any excuse to celebrate with her like this—any at all.
And maybe, just maybe, they’d have even more reasons to celebrate very soon.
One week later…
“I never thought I’d say this, but…no more chocolate.” Groaning, Arianna pushed the bag of sweets away before collapsing back against the pillows.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that either,” Will said with amusement. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll be fine, just…don’t let me eat any more of that.”
“We have dinner reservations in an hour. Should I cancel?”
Another groan was out before she could stop it. “No…I was really looking forward to that one. The menu sounded fantastic. I just need to rest for a bit.”
“I’m going to go grab a shower,” he told her and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.
Honestly, she didn’t know what had come over her. Sweets were her weakness, but she couldn’t seem to stop eating the truffles when they got back to the room earlier. She was nervous. They had gone to lunch with both of Will’s aunts earlier and they were so freaking nice that she wanted to take them back to Laurel Bay when it was time to go. It all went wonderfully, so that wasn’t what was fueling her nerves.