Page 86 of Dare Me

“Oh, good grief, Patrick,” she said with annoyance. “Just stop talking.”

“I get your concern,” Will interrupted. “Love has nothing to do with age and Arianna’s an adult. You don’t get to make that call.”

“Oh, but you do?” her brother challenged.

“Ari,” Patrick began, “maybe you should go across the hall and…you know…get dressed so the three of us can talk.”

“Now you’re throwing me out?” she asked incredulously.

“It might be for the best,” Will suggested. “Let me handle this.”

Her eyes went wide. “Excuse me?”

“I just think this is something me and your brothers need to work through,” he said, his tone not quite as condescending as Patrick’s, but it still rubbed her the wrong way. “I don’t want you getting upset. That’s all.”

Stepping out of his arms, she faced him—arms crossed and hip cocked.

“Oh no,” Liam murmured as both he and Patrick took a step back.

“Um, FYI? I’m already upset. Plus, I don’t need you to handle anything,” she told Will. “There’s literally nothing here to discuss anymore. They don’t get a say in my life and now that they know about us, we can all relax and move on!”

“Yeah, but…”

“I swear I’m standing here listening to you talk and you sound just like my parents! You’ve got this outdated way of looking at things! I don’t need protecting or someone fighting my battles! Hell, maybe I’m the one who’s protectingyou. Have you thought about that, huh? All of this sexist talk is the exact thing I’ve been desperately fighting against and trying to avoid! I don’t need protection; I need a partner—someone who appreciates all my strengths and quirks and who’ll challenge me instead of wanting to keep me in a bubble!”

“No one’s keeping you in a bubble…”

“And you two,” she snapped as she faced her brothers. “Do not eventhinkof staying here and trying to tell Will that he can’t date me! That’s not your call to make! Are we clear?”

They both simply nodded, and it was oddly unsatisfying.

“Ari,” Will tried again. “I think we’re all just trying…”

“Now you’re all on the same page?” she cried. “Gah!That’s it! Just…I’m done! I’m out of here! Talk or don’t talk. I don’t care. You all make me crazy.Crazy!”

Grabbing her keys off the entryway table, she paused and looked directly at Patrick. “You know, it really hurt that youcouldn’t take the time out of your precious, busy schedule to help me out for a damn year. There were apartments available all over this town and not once did you step in to help. If you were so concerned about me and my well-being, maybe you could have done something that was actually helpful.”

And with that, she stormed out, slamming the door behind her.


“In case you were wondering, that was a typical, hotheaded Donovan exit,” Patrick said, shaking his head. “Still in love?”

“Yeah, why didn’t you help her find a place?” Will asked, even though he was wondering if he should go after her.

“Like I told Liam earlier, I knew our folks would have completely butted in and any problem she had, they would have come after me about it and given me all kinds of grief. She didn’t push it with me, so I thought we were cool.” He shrugged. “Obviously, I was wrong.”

They were all quiet, and Will turned to find Liam sitting on the sofa. “Should I go after her?”

Both brothers laughed. “Hell no. You need to give her at least an hour,” Liam said. “Maybe more. Right now, she’s pissed and she’s going to keep yelling about shit that happened a year ago if you give her the chance.”

“Yeah, um…I’m not sure I should take any advice from you. You’re the reason we’ve been sneaking around.”

“I will not take all the blame for that. If anything…”

“As much as I’d love to see how this drama is going to play out,” Patrick said as he turned toward the door, “I have a job to get to.” He looked at Will. “Don’t screw this up, okay?”

Will nodded.