Will: You’re the most exciting woman I’ve ever met
Arianna: Stop! I’m blushing
He chuckled at that because she blushed adorably.
Arianna: Are you at your place?
Will: Yup
Arianna: Hmm…truth or dare?
Will: Dare
Arianna: I dare you to call me
He immediately hit the call button and anticipation filled him as he waited to hear her voice.
“It seems kind of silly for us to have to text when you’re all by yourself in your apartment. I know I’ve said that my family seems to have spies everywhere, but I don’t think that includes your place,” she said with a laugh.
“Yeah, it didn’t occur to me until you asked if I was here in my apartment,” he admitted. “But, to be fair, I really enjoyed texting with you last week.”
“I can hang up and we can go back to it if you’d like?”
“No,” he immediately responded. “I like the sound of your voice.”
“Mmm…I like the sound of yours too,” she said quietly.
They were both quiet for a moment and he couldn’t believe that he had no idea what to talk about with her.
“So, how’d you like my concert tonight?” she asked with a laugh.
“I enjoyed it very much. You never mentioned your musical side.”
“Well…I didn’t want to be too braggy. I mean, between that and being able to touch my tongue to my nose, I didn’t want to intimidate you.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Consider me rightfully intimidated. It’s obvious there is nothing you can’t do. It’s very impressive.”
“And I had zero time to rehearse. If I had, there would have been choreography and everything.”
“Hmm…I feel a dare coming on in the future.”
With a laugh, Arianna warned him, “Just nothing too complicated please. Jamie had a fairly specific request tonight with Taylor Swift. I was just thankful for the machine and the music. I’d memorized the lyrics years ago.”
“Your sister actually told me about that. It was hard to imagine that being something you used as a weapon, but it was kind of funny.”
“Is it wrong that I don’t like the fact that my sister is sharing my secrets with you?”
“Arianna, you know why I was sitting there with her. Your mother ambushed me the moment I stepped into the pubtonight. I didn’t even know what was happening at first. She’s like a force of nature.”
“Tell me about it,” she mumbled.
“So…you were jealous?” he cautiously asked.
“Like I said, I didn’t like it.”
That wasn’t a total confirmation, but for now, he’d take it. “For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t like it if I walked in and saw you cozying up to some guy in a booth either.”
There. He’d put it out there.