Page 28 of Dare Me

Arianna: But if I choose dare, how do you know I’ll do it?

Will: Well, the dare I had in mind didn’t involve needing a witness

Will: Not really

Arianna: Well now I am definitely intrigued, but…

He waited a moment to see what else she was going to say, but when a solid minute passed and she was silent, he knew he needed to give her a nudge.

Will: But…?

Arianna: I’m gonna play it safe and say truth

He laughed softly

Will: Spoilsport

She sent him a sad face emoji.

Will: Okay, truth. Did you think about me this week?

Arianna: Dare

Laughing again, he shook his head.

Will: That’s not how the game works and you know it. If it helps, I thought about you a lot this week, but yourbrother is like some kind of machine who believes in working eighteen hours a day

Arianna: Are you just meeting him? Because he’s been like that practically since birth. Lol!

Will: I’m used to it, but I was hoping to have at least a little time to myself. Looks like that’s not going to happen until next weekend at least

Arianna: What happens next weekend?

Will: He’s going to Myrtle Beach for a friend’s wedding and I’m moving

Yeah, he knew he was dropping a mini-bombshell and he silently prayed that she’d see all the possibilities.

Arianna: Where are you moving to?

Will: An apartment opened up in the building. Patrick hooked me up

Arianna: What a jerk! I’ve been looking for apartments too and he never sends me anything

Will: I thought you were moving to Chapel Hill?

Way to go, dummy. Why would you remind her about moving away from you?

Arianna: That’s not how the game works, silly. One question. One truth

Will: Which you still haven’t answered

Raking a hand through his hair again, there was a battle warring within him. Did he really want to know the answer? Did he want to be doing all of this via text?

No and no.

Unfortunately, he knew they needed to ease into this. He needed to earn her trust and if that meant playing this game, he’d do it.

For now, at least