If anything else, I would have to keep feeding her and bringing her food.

She trusted me.

If that’s what it took to get the girl to eat, then I’d do whatever it took to make it happen. Even tell my boss my girl needed lunch and I had to bring it to her.

I’m sure he’d love that.

“Give me a sec to call Wake. He was on the way to our house with Tex,” I said to Dory.

I heard Shine say ‘Tex?’ and then Dory explain quietly who Tex was as Wake answered the phone.

“Change of plans,” I said to Wake. “Can you come out to dinner with us? My brother ended up coming into town.”

“Sure.” He paused. “Where?”

There were a few places he wouldn’t go, according to the last time I’d invited him out to eat with us. One of those places being the restaurant on the bay that he’d sent us to last time.

“What do you suggest?” I asked. “We’re not picky, and I’m fairly sure my wife won’t be able to eat a single thing anyway after stuffing her face so full of cupcakes.”

“Worth it.” Dory patted her belly.

I looked down to see her belly do a slow roll, indicating that our child was, indeed, doing somersaults inside of her.

Smiling, I pressed my hand to the side of her belly where I’d seen the movement, and the baby kicked.

I snorted and pressed in more firmly. Which he didn’t like at all.

The boy already liked his space.

Just like his father.

“Head downtown,” he said. “I’ll meet you in that parking lot along the bay, and we’ll walk from there.”

“Ten-four,” I said and hung up before addressing the rest of the room. “Wake suggested we head downtown,” I said as I eyed Dory. “That all right with you?”

Again, she was a bit wary when it came to restaurants, but she’d eat just about anything if I ate it first.

Which ended up happening more often than not at this point.

I’d order something for me, eat enough of it to show her it was okay, then transfer the plate over and start on the other order of uneaten food that she’d ordered.

It was a weird game we played that worked really well for us.

“Sounds great.” Dory smiled. “Do y’all want to ride with us?”

Shine and Iris agreed, and we met Wake downtown where we then walked to the restaurant that ended up being on the beach.

“Wow,” Dory breathed as she saw the sunset we were walking up to. “This is gorgeous.”


Am I taken? Yeah, taken for granted.

-Dory to Bram


“This is gorgeous.” I must’ve repeated for the thirtieth time that day.