I winked at her. “I’ll be back. If you need anything, call?”

She nodded, and I was just about to pass her to head out the front door when an urge to touch her struck.

And instead of denying that need to touch, I chose to stop and honor the need.

I caught her around the neck and pulled lightly, pressing her body close to mine before leaning down and giving her a kiss.

It wasn’t long. It wasn’t short, either.

And there was zero tongue.

But the way she melted into me made my heart fuckin’ soar.

“And even if you don’t need me, feel free to call.”

• • •

“What do you mean, you’re moving?” Haggard looked stunned.

Sophia blinked, turning to look from me to Haggard and back, before getting up and quietly walking out of the room.

Shine, Tide, Price and my father were also in the room.

“I’m moving to Florida,” I repeated my earlier statement. “I’m gonna go there where Dory has a job interview. We’re going to try to sort out our shit.”

It was my mother who said, “Maybe that’s for the best.”

I raised a brow at her in question.

But it was Tide’s. “I don’t know why you would think him leaving us would be a good thing. In fact, all I can think of are bad things. Such as, isn’t this the place that she was attacked, and nothing was done?”

I’d been thinking about that, too.

“Yes,” I admitted. “It was. But I’m already on the horn with a few people there that are looking into it. The man that lives up the street from where she was renting, Wake Westfield, has been giving me updates when they come in. Which, I’ll admit, aren’t very often, or very good. It looks like the sheriff isn’t really doing anything about it.”

“Well then I don’t see how that’s a good idea,” Tide argued. “I mean, what if it happened again?”

He wasn’t saying anything that I wasn’t thinking.

“It won’t, because I won’t allow it,” I told him bluntly. “I’ll stay on her. She’s not stupid, either. She won’t go putting herself into danger when she doesn’t have to.”

Tide sighed. “And I’m sure, you being there, it’ll be easier to look into. That’s one of your reasons, right?”

“The least one,” I agreed. “Her safety is my first priority. But she doesn’t want to be here. And I can’t make her be here if that’s the case. Not to mention, she had this job interview. She was excited about it, and I want her to live out her dream.”

“We can’t argue with you,” Shine said. “Because then it’ll make us assholes. But how do you expect us to repair anything if you won’t keep her here?”

“You can’t repair anything until I repair what I’ve broken first,” I told them honestly. “So, we’re leaving, and we don’t know when we’ll be back.”

“That sounds pretty permanent,” Dad said. “Are you sure?”

Are you sure it’s worth it? She was worth it?

Hell yes, she was worth it. And him asking that sent a ball of fiery anger through my veins.

“Was Mom worth it?” I asked.

Dad stiffened.